☆ Ghost ain't it

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2300 words
Part 2; [Unusual Relationship]


—"Are you sure this is a good idea..?"- the kid asked as he held tight on his taller friend's hand, he kept looking behind them as they passed tree by tree, getting deeper into the woods.
—"Nope, but i think i heard something around this direction!"-
—"THAT'S JUST ANOTHER REASON TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE"- he said while pulling his arm, pouting as he didn't listen to him.
—"hey, don't swear tubs"-
—"Dad does it all the time it's finee"-
—"but Schlatt is an adult, you're not!"- they kept arguing until they heard something crack somewhere around them, must be a stick being stepped on by someone.

—"WHAT WAS THAT"- Tubbo said while pulling his arm stronger than the last time. This only made Ranboo glare at him, making him stop.

—"H- hello..?"- The tall boy hesitantly said out loud.
—"YOU'RE SUCH A GENIUS, AS IF SOMEONE WOULD ANSWER "nAh i'm here collecting some mushrooms, wanna come?""-
—"Stop yelling!"-
—"You stop yelling!"-
Such nice friends.

—"Hello?"- they both jumped when they heard another voice with them, Tubbo jumping on Ranboo, holding on his taller friend's hoodie.

Infront of them was standing a kid, taller than Tubbo and shorter than Ranboo. His golden blonde hair covering one of his eyes and getting in the way around his face, it was really messy and puffy, his clothes just a normal white shirt with red on the short sleeves and collar, some white and red shoes, and shorts to his knees, arms covered in bandages and a lot of band-aids on his body.
What caught the other two's attention was the fact that the kid was slightly transparent just like his clothes and his everything.

The brunette immediately held on his friend's arm and looked in fear at the blonde.
—"GHOST!!!!"- he yelled, startling both of the other males.
—"DON'T YELL TUBBO!!"- he said only getting a middle finger from the brunette, his reaction being a >:0 face, yanking his arm back from Tubbo's arms, leaving him with nothing to hold onto.
The blonde stood there looking at them in plain confusion while they argued, noticing how they just yelled nonsense being left with no more insults to throw at each other.
—"Uhh-"- he murmured getting their attention, immediately regretting when the shorter got infront of him and looked up at his dead blue eyes.
—"Are you a ghost?"- Tubbo paused a little after every word, remarking his british accent after each pause.
—"I-"- he shrugged not even knowing the answer himself, earning a groan from the goat hybrid.

—"What? does this make me not-a-ghost?"- the blonde said when seeing the reaction he got from Tubbo, who opened his mouth to ask another question.
—"What's your name?"-
—"Uh-"- the blonde blinked and then looked at the taller kid behind Tubbo, who he assumed to be called Ranboo as he heard the name among their incoherent yelling. —"As far as i can remember, i'm Tommy"-
He looked at the taller again, accidentally locking eyes with him for a second before he looked away with pink cheeks, fidgeting with his hands. Clearly nervous.
—"I like your name bossman"- The brunette complimented while getting his hand out for a handshake, Tommy hesitantly taking his hand out too to be met with the surprise that he couldn't touch Tubbo, his hand going through the kid, hearing him gasp loudly.
—"oH My gOd did you see that boo!?"- he looked back at his friend and then back to Tommy, waving his hand through the transparent boy —"THIS IS SO COOL!!"-
—"It feels weird"- Tommy said before chuckling, looking at Tubbo taking Ranboo's arm to bring him infront of the blonde, moving to the side so they would be face to face. He looked even more nervous.
—"Try it boo!"- the kid said referring to the taller going through their new friend.
—"I- i d- don't know about this-"-
—"Come on, don't be a pussy"- Tommy finally spoke up, a grin on his face as he looked up at Ranboo, making Tubbo laugh.
—"T- Tubbo!"- the tall male said and sighed, looking again at the kid infront of him. He paid attention to his messy hair, slowly getting his hand out to pet on it, then looking at Tommy's face before doing anything.

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