☆ Unusual relationship

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Trigger warning for mentions of death!
Part 2 of; [Ghost ain't it]
2041 words


—"WHO THE FUCK ATE THE BAG OF CANDIES HIDDEN IN THE FUCKING CORNER OF THE CABINET??? IT WAS HIDDEN FOR A FUCKING REASON!!!"- his yelling was heard in the entire extension, him angrily standing in the kitchen.
—"Why are you yel-"- he opened the door and not even two seconds in he got hit in the face with a box —"wHAT THE HELL!??"- he said as he picked up the cereal box from the floor.
—"huh-? Tubbo please we have to leave now and you're acting like an actual gremlin child"-
The brunette glared at him and angrily went for another box to throw, the dirty blonde male immediately closing the door, the new cereal box hitting the wood, it being the only thing between Ranboo and a box smacking his face right as he backed up and let go of the handle.
—"What is he angry about now?"- he heard another voice say behind him.
—"The box of snacks that you took- h- he noticed-"- the blonde groaned and went to sit on the couch, patting his side as a signal for Ranboo to sit with him. —"There's no time for sitting, we have to go"- he took his backpack and looked at the blonde again, a pout appearing on his face.
—"Alright fine, it's not like i wanted to be with you or anything-"- Tommy mumbled before standing up and grabbing into Ranboo's arm.
—"You're literally GLUED to me 99% of the day"-
—"And i would like to keep it that way"- the taller sighed and kissed his forehead before going to the door he slammed closed just some moments ago, noticing his angry best friend sitting on the counter.
—"Sorry for that-"-
—"hE CAN'T EVEN DIGEST ANYTHING!! HOW CAN HE EVEN EAT!??"- he complained dramatically moving his arms and hands around, causing Tommy to puff his cheeks and stick his tongue out at him —"you're a ghost!"- he fake cried, making them both laugh this time.
—"Quit your shit big man, we're leaving to hell"-
—"You know, hell doesn't sound worse than school, honestly-"
—"You did NOT just say that-"- Ranboo sighed and went to the door to leave the extension, taking both the other two with him.


—"I'm boredd"- the ghost said while resting his head on Ranboo's shoulder.
—"You can literally go off and run around without us, you'll be fine, no one can see you anyways"-
—"Besides, you're annoying"- the brunette added in, a smile appearing on his lips when seeing Tommy's head shot up and glare at him.
—"You take that back bitch, i'm annoying at first but not anymore, right?"- he asked as he turned his head to look at the dirty blonde boy, looking for confirmation.
—"You're not annoying all of the time-"-
—"Fuck both of you"- Tommy crossed his arms and looked at the other people in the zone, the bench the trio was sitting on being under a tree, some people passed walking by and there were small groups of other students scattered around the surroundings, it was peaceful, the sun hidden by the clouds and the breeze cold and calm.
—"Sooo.."- he looked back at the other two —"What are we going to do now?"-

—"Well"- Ranboo started talking, looking up from his food to lock eyes with the blonde, an habit that he got from years of dealing with him. Now he felt odd if he talked to Tommy without looking at his eyes, but when it came to other people that wasn't him then he would internally panic, eye contact felt like something special, something that was only meant for him to share with the blonde. —"You see; us humans, alive, living beings, have something called "eating""- Tommy groaned and looked up to the sky.
—"Shut upp-"-
—"Nonono, you asked for it, now you listen"- he cleared his throat —"As you can see, we need to eat to live, not like you that you kinda just- uh.. live? Are you even alive?"- he questioned, a smile forming on his lips when Tommy covered his face with his hands —"So that's what we're doing right now, you might not need it, but Tubbo and i do"-
—"You've already explained that like- a million times, i know how it works!"-
—"But it doesn't look like it, because you keep on fucking asking like a dumb child"- Tubbo added in the conversation, trying to annoy the blonde.
—"Did you just call me a child AND dumb!?"- The taller snorted, a smirk appeared on Tubbo's face.
—"My work here as your best friend is over"- he stated before taking more of his food into his mouth.

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