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Two weeks have now flown by and now it is now the first week of October. Eros and I were currently cuddling together watching Hocus Pocus. And by cuddling I mean, me on top of him with his arms secured around me. His big hands were softly running down my back and every now and then cupping my but. I was tracing swirls all around his chest while watching the movie.

I reached out a hand to grab one of the cookies from the plate on front of us but my hand was intersected immediately and was put back on his chest.

"No more, sweet girl. You've had four already. I've been watching." He said smirking. I huffed and settled myself back onto his chest. I watch as the three witches sing on the stage when I let my thoughts wander.

Sammy lately has been talking about Halloween and saying that we should decorate the house and get ready for the spirit. I've always wanted to dress up but I wasn't allowed to in the hospital. Let alone eat any candy at all. I wonder if the boys would allow me to dress up. Or if they would with me.

A grin split across my face as I thought about the many different costume ideas. Ugh I would have an absolute ball dressing them up. The makeup I could on them. I giggled softly.

Eros freezes his hands then I felt his gaze on me in a instant. "What are giggling about?" He asked. His rough voice caressing my ears. I smiled softly before propping myself onto my hands and staring at him.

His long curly locks were pulled on top of his head but a few curls were resting on his forehead. His honey brown eyes staring into mine thoughtfully. I hummed before answering.

"So. Are we celebrating Halloween?" I asked softly. Kicking my legs up then swinging them backwards. He eyed their movements then slowly brought his gaze back to me.

"If you want, my love. Our brother dorm throws a Halloween party every year. We go sometimes but we can go this year." He said running his fingertips down the side of my face. I shivered at his touch, he smiled at that.

"Can we dress up." I asked smoothly eyeing him. Even if he says no I won't try to show my utter disappointment but I still will be happy since were celebrating the holiday.

He hummed softly. I eagerly watched his gears turn in his head. I started kick my legs a little harder because I was trying to calm myself. "Yes baby. We will dress up with you." He said finally. I squealed then jumped higher up his body to hug him. He grunted softly then scooped me up some more so I was basically shoved into neck.

"I was already thinking of a few already." I said smiling.

"Go ahead and tell me baby. I'm listening." He said softly while rubbing my back.

"How about FBI agents?"

"We're already working for the government, baby. Technically we're in the sense agents of their own."

"Oh right. How about...I'll be Snow White and you guys can be my dwarfs?"

"Eh." I huffed into his neck. He started to laugh. Then an idea sprung. I sat up slowly as he stopped. I started to swirl my fingers on his chest.

"What if. I was a police officer and you guys were my prisoners?" I said softly. His breath caught. I looked up at him to see his honey brown eyes were now a dark brown. His hand slide down my back and cupped my ass. I moaned out softly when he roughly scooted my to the center of his chest.

"Hm. Not a bad idea. As long as your outfit is revealing and short." He growled out the last part. I giggled and he smirked.

He grabbed a hold of my neck then tightened his hold just a little bit. Tingles shit down my spine. I just love when they do that.

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