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The intimate pasta party went smoothly. They opted to share a massive plate of the chef's special, seafood fusilli along with cheesy baked red potatoes and the house salad.

"Now I have someone else to bounce ideas with besides The Balls," Micah said to Agamemnon as they polished off their plates with gusto.

Ecstatic, Aga smiled and got everyone refills for their bottomless fruit drink. Even Ballqis who was skimping on expenditure thought the new pasta place was worth the money. The food was spectacular, the portions were massive and the drinks went well with everything. Plus, the place was very near to their side of campus.

Maybe I'll ask Iqball to hang out here next time, she thought idly, then shivered.

Who am I kidding? He wouldn't even talk to me if it wasn't for Calculus or the talking fish, she told herself.

On the other side of the table Iqball was noticing how much Ballqis was eating.

She likes the potato dish. I should order that the next time we... Hold on. Am I thinking about asking her out? Like on a date? Here? He couldn't stop those questions from dancing in his head.

Self doubt crept into his brain faster than he could process.

Ballqis was giving me the cold shoulder up until T7 jolted his thoughts into our brains. She wouldn't even glance your way if it hadn't been for that, his fear reminded him.

"Hey I need to get a blazer, one that looks formal enough for final projects presentation. My old one has a rip on one arm, and my Glow Worm project presentation is right before Anzac. Do you guys know how to shop for one?" Micah suddenly asked.

"My grandad and father are tailors. I could lend you a few tips. There's a shop nearby the pier that always remind me of grandad's shop," Agamemnon said.

"Would you mind helping me out? I'll sport your bus fare," Micah promised.

"No problem," Aga said.

"I can stop by the lab and shut the stats machine down for you, Micah," offered Ballqis.

"Really? I was thinking I'd have to run back to the lab for a bit before going to the pier. Thanks Ballqis. Just be sure to put the generated report on Mr Evans' desk please," Micah requested.

"Sure thing, I'll keep Ballqis company," Iqball said, gaining smirks from both Aga and Micah.

Is my crush on Ballqis that obvious? Iqball wondered.

They split ways after finishing their brunch.

The walk back to campus was filled with good reviews on the pasta place.

"I'd definitely go again," Ballqis said as they entered campus grounds. The lab was just a stone's throw away from the 24-hours convenience shop they were passing.

"Me too. Would you like to..."

"Guys! The fish recognised me! Babyfish made his signature move! Did you two see it? You saw it right, Iqball? Ballqis?"

A sudden burst of excitement came out from a pretty red head.

"Hi Mirna!" Ballqis greeted her.

Iqball simply waved.

"So Babyfish is not going to be transferred next Monday. I'm so glad. I'm so relived," Mirna went on as she linked arms with the duo.

The trio approached the lab.

"Micah isn't up there, right? Let me come up with you," pleaded the older student.

"Mirna, there are security cameras there. I can video call you again if you want to see Babyfish," Ballqis offered.

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