Chapter 6

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Accelerator listened in to the little wristband on Fujimaru's wrist. "Get out of there now!" Accelrator moved out of the way as a fist landed where they were just a moment ago. The rest readied themselves for combat.

Accelerator grinned "Oh what do we have here?" He stared at a hulking muscular figure with fleshy arms and a white mask covering his face. He laughed as he slowly walked towards the thing "I'm honoured that you decided to give me a toy to play with!"

Everyone thought he was insane, he was walking up to a servant! The voice from the wristband shouted "Get back Accelerator!" Everyone watched as the servant punched him, what happened next was unexpected, the servant went flying into a building.

"Huh?" Hinako saw that very clearly, Accelerator couldn't even catch the servant's movements, nor was it out of reflex, the boy was bored and thinking about something else. Accelerator grinned as his red eyes flashed dangerously.

The servant quickly jumped back in front of Accelerator only to have him stomp on the ground. "Speed is your main weapon right? The force put behind that attack wasn't that hard so I had to tweak it a bit. So your main weapon is speed right? Then I just have to get rid of it."

The rest of the masters tumbled onto the floor as he stomped on the ground. The ground rumbled as Accelerator kicked a pebble as it accelerated to the speed of sound breaking the sound barrier.

They couldn't believe their eyes that the scrawny Accelerator managed to do that. The pebble pierced the servant as it stumbled until Accelerator leaned forward and grasped it by the hand before tugging and pulling on its legs.

Everyone watched as the brutality was shown. The legs flew into the air with a tearing sound and bones snapping as blood sprayed everywhere. Even Romani could only watch and hope that his meal stays in his stomach.

The servant knew it was outmatched as it tried crawling away from Accelerator who stomped on the floor as pikes shot out impaling the servant. Everyone observed the servant as Accelerator kicked it with his foot. What shocked them was despite all that blood he was perfectly clean not even a speck of dust or blood was on his vest and tie.

Accelerator asked "Oi so can you tell us how to end this thing?" Everyone looked at him as if he was a donkey. "What I'm asking him how to clear this thing." They shook his head "He probably doesn't know." Accelerator glared at Beryl who shrunk back despite his attitude.

He sighed as he stepped on the servant's head before crushing it as the body faded into motes of light.

A scream was heard in the distance as Accelerator had an annoyed look. "Alright let's go see who it is." A rattle of bones greeted them as skeletons poured out and chase an annoying woman.

The team fired off the little magecraft they knew while Accelerator was intrigued but decided to figure it out by himself lest he attract unwanted attention. They stopped firing when a car rushed past their heads and smashed into the skeletons. Olga shouted at Accelerator "You could have almost hit me!"

Accelerator picked his ears as he dismissed her "If I did then I would have done everyone a favour." Olga shouted at him only to stop when a glare came her way. Accelerator sighed as he took out his felt his pockets for anything remotely useful. A empty canned coffee was in there "Hn useful ammo." Hinako asked him "Why the hell would a coffee can be used as ammo? Plus what the hell was your power? I saw you hand when you flicked the rock. You didn't use much strength, it was a lazy flick. So what did you do? You showed signs of interest when magecraft was used."

Eyes turned on to him as he had indeed been trapped in this question. He had no choice other wise he would be designated as a possible suspect in the bombing. "I can control all and any vectors I come in contact with."

That sparked a huge uproar as everyone who had even a little bit of intelligence knew what a vector was. It was anything with direction and magnitude. Seeing Fujimaru confused he sighed and tried translating it like he would for Last Order.

"It means if it has direction and magnitude then I can fuck with it."

Fujimaru cringed a bit from the swears but understood perfectly. Beryl caught on first "So I assume when the servant went flying you reversed its attack on itself. Right?" Accelerator nodded "At least we have someone who's smart here."

Mash was listening in as she stayed next to Fujimaru in case anything happened. A small sound came from Fujimaru's shoulder as everyone looked at Fou. Accelerator was confused as he asked "What the fuck is that thing?" Mash stepped in "This is Fou."


Accelerator ignored them before breaking them all out of their stupor "Hurry up I want coffee."

Chains appeared and surrounded the group as Accelerator was getting pissed "Can't you weak as shit excuses of heroic spirits just give up! Fuck this shit!" He tried to get through only to discover that the chains were magical in property.

A voice came from the side as a servant appeared with purple hair and strange eyes. Accelerator had enough, he had two options for handling this. Either using wings or using Qliphah. Wings was probably the more viable option as exposing Qliphah would probably do more harm than good.

Accelerator seeing the people as stone and the city burning did not help either. The servant soon ripped off a statues head as blood splurted everywhere. He had just enough and the voice coming from that servant did not sit well with him.

Everyone backed off as pure blackish and purple tornadoes burst from his back as he glared at the damned servant. The rest started firing spells while Mash was blocking attacks from the scythe.

The furious sound of wind drew their attention as dark cylindrical wings spread 100 meters in span as they followed the servant who noticed the danger. Everyone watched as the wings shredded everything it came into contact with.

Accelerator watched as the servant healed a broken wrist from trying to swing that scythe at him. "This is an immortal killing lance." Accelerator glanced at the weapon "I don't give two shits about what it is and what it's not. It's no use if you can't even hit me."

Accelerator stomped on the ground as the servant jumped into the air only to be caught on all sides by the wings. The "lance" was swung as she tried to avoid the wings as spells were thrown at her. Mash quickly jumped in as she batted the servant onto the ground.

Accelerator raised his hand as the servant started sinking into the ground. Eventually all that was left was the head. Everyone watched the gruesome sight as Accelerator stuck his finger into the small wound.

"Let's see what happens next shall we?"

The red gleaming eyes showed someone who had no problem with morals. She shook her head feeling genuine fear.

"Too late now. It's a one way road."

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