Chapter 2. Lisa's Greatest Fear

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The next morning....

Jimin's POV

After the bell rang, I waited for Lisa outside the classroom.

I wanted to know whether she was alright.

The moment she stepped out of the door, I blocked her way.

"What are you doing?" She asked coldly.

There is definitely something wrong.

"Lisa... why were you gone yesterday? Even Naeun wondered where you went off to."

"That's none of your business."

"None of my business? I thought we were bestfriends... and yet you want me to act as if it's none of my business?"

"Park Jimin... what I meant is, you continue living your own life while I continue living mine."

"Wait... seriously, why are you suddenly mad at me?"

"You really want to know why Park Jimin?"


"Because I'm tired! I'm tired of always being behind you whenever you meet up with other girls."

"Are you jealous?"

"I am certainly not. I just hate the way you don't commit to a girl and instead use them for your own pleasure only."

I breathed heavily, feeling stressed out of what Lisa just said.

But at the same time, I understand what she meant.

" don't understand me..I don't think I could ever find someone to love..and someone that I could commit to."

I walked away this time. I really couldn't understand her sometimes.

Sometimes she's happy to see me, sometimes she isn't.

Lisa's POV

I watched him walked away.

Great, my emotions got the best of me.

I shouldn't have done that.

I looked down carrying my books with me and holding on to my backpack

"Lisa..." I looked up to see who called me.

It was Minnie.

I smiled and my eyes instantly lit up.

I consider her as my very best friend, and we always eat snacks together after class.

She was with Giselle, Bambam, Yuqi, and Jinyoung.

All of us are technically a squad.

"I'm hungry, we were looking for you." Bambam pouted at me and I pinched his cheek.

Then we all chuckled.

We went towards the cafeteria and there were less people than the usual.

We found an empty table, then I saw Jimin walking towards us.

"Yo Park Jimin.. you're finally here." Jinyoung said.

I can't believe he'd be here after that small confrontation of ours.

"Of course.." He replied.

Then he sat beside me.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

"So guys.. I ordered pizza for us. Don't forget to get one only." Minnie smiled.

"Omo.. Thank you!" Giselle said.

"Wah.... daebak Minnie." Bambam complimented.

"Jimin..."I finally called him out beside me.

"Lisa.. I'm sorry." He beat me to it first.

"I'm sorry too.. still, I shouldn't have left you with Naeun yesterday." I looked at him and I'm sure he would see the regret in my eyes.

"It's fine." Jimin replied, then he took a slice of pizza and ate it..

Author's POV

As Jimin was eating pizza, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off Minnie.

"Yah Park Jimin.. just eat okay? I'll order more for you guys." Minnie said and smiled which could've mesmerized Jimin.

Lisa's POV

Minnie sometimes acts like the mother in the squad.

Right now, I could really see Jimin looking at her.

I'm hoping that my gut feeling about this would be wrong.

I wouldn't be able to believe that Minnie and Jimin would date.

I mean, look at us....

We're practically just a squad.

I shouldn't just make any assumptions about this.

Besides, Jimin is a Playboy.

FAST-FORWARD>>> Afternoon.

Lisa's POV

I was walking down the hallway bringing my umbrella with me.

It was raining heavily, my friends are nowhere to be seen.

But I narrowed my eyes to see two familiar figures walking together, under one umbrella.

They were holding each other's hands.

And when it became clear to me....

I wanted to just run away.

"Hey Lisa.. you're still here." Minnie ran towards me with her sweet tone.

Then she kissed my cheek. A tradition me and my friends have.

"It's raining heavily. We also had a project. " I replied.

"I know right... me and Jimin just came back from our date and then it rained all of a sudden." Minnie said.

"Date?" I looked at Jimin and her alternately.

"Lisa you were right... I need to find love and someone to commit to. It would be Minnie." Jimin said with such enthusiasm.

I watched as he held her hand.

I realized this was the greatest fear I ever had.

To see Jimin fall in love...not just to anyone.

But to one of our friends, Minnie.

"Wow I'm happy for you two." I instantly turned around and smiled bitterly.

"Are you going home now?" I heard Minnie's voice.

"Well, yes... Bye guys." I walked away and turned on my umbrella.

My tears fell together with the rain.

My foolish heart.... why did you have to fall for someone like him.

|end of Chapter |

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