Chapter 11

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Monica didn't know how long she was asleep for, nor the fact that something big had just been discovered from her vitals. The worry feeling was all that surrounded her in the white colored room reserved for her at the hospital. The doctor had ordered for Monica to be left alone in a private room so no one could enter or exit, aside from the doctors. Monica's parents walked back and forth as they waited in the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room.

Mark wasn't far behind them from the worry consuming him. On the way here he sent a text to Monica's best friend, Hope, that they were taking Monica to the hospital. He had gotten her number in the past from one of his old friends but questioned to this day why he still had her number saved. Although in this moment Mark was relieved to have someone to call that Monica's close to.

It's been hours since Monica had arrived at the hospital. It was 1:30 then and it's 7:30 now. Her parents haven't received any news about Monica either which is what worries them the most. Each time someone in a white coat passes by they try to stop them and get information on their daughter but in the end they're just met with two unreliable answers: We're not on that case ma'am/sir or I can't give out any information at this time we are still running a few tests.

Within these six hours Monica knows nothing of what's going on in the walls encaging her. Only the doctors remain knowing the secret that will tear this family apart until the very end.

*** *** *** 

I wake up to lights shinning in my face. I see people in white coats hovering over me with clipboards in their arms. They don't notice that I'm awake and I keep it like that. I remember why I'm here--I fainted. I don't know why I fainted but that's something I want to find out. So I continue to lay there still as a statue. I hear a door open and voices come with it.

"How is she?" my mother asks one of the nurses, I assume.

"Mother of the patient?" a female voice asks.

"Yes and he's the father."

"Hello I'm Doctor Grayson and I'm the main doctor that's been on your daughters case ever since she arrived early this afternoon." a male voice answers.

"Hello, well what can you tell us? Sorry to sound a little rude doctor but I'm just really worried for my daughter." my dad says quickly.

"Yes, yes I know but you must be prepared for whatever I say next. This isn't an easy situation you've been put in and the next few months will be the hardest ones that you experience. During the first few tests we ran we realized that her blood pressure was lower than normal and that her brain lacked enough flow of oxygen. After that conclusion we ran some more tests and..."

"And what? What happened?" my father urged, always the protective one.

"Have you noticed Monica having any headaches, eating less, dizziness, soreness, maybe being a little bit of than usual?" The doctor asks. The room stays in silence and the noise of papers is gone. I didn't realize that the nurses had exited the room, probably, when my parents had entered. My parents try thinking but I had barely told them about my headaches even though it's been going on for half a month now.

"Not that we know of. Well, except for today because when we came home from work she had a headache and was drinking and swallowing a pill to calm it down but that's it." My mother says as she begins to trail off.

"That explains that. Monica has a brain tumor and those are just some of the symptoms that one can experience first class. Now your daughter isn't that far along and she's still in stage one but we need to treat it immediately if we want her to be on our survivor list."

My parents sob when the news hits them and I try to comprehend whats going on.

They leave my room in sobs and that's when I let a tear slip down my face.

*** *** ***

When I wake up again I expect it to be nighttime already. Instead I find it to be only two hours later and my best friend seated beside me.She has tears in her eyes and is worried from her facial expression. Who knows how long she's been her for but for that I am grateful for. "Best friend," I whisper in between my lips as I look up at her through my squinting eyes. She smiles quickly and pulls me into a hug. I attempt to smile but I'm too upset by the news to even speak but she's my best friend. I have to tell her.

"Are you okay? You seem upset. I can go get Mark and your parents if you want me to." she says and tries getting up from her chair but I stop her.

"No it's okay. I actually want to talk to you about something before they find out I'm awake."

"Yeah of course. Tell me what's up."

"I was awake earlier today when my parents came into my room." I start off but look down in my lap and play with my fingers. "The doctor that's been taking of me and some of the nurses were in here as well and they said some things about me, or rather my condition." I let out a deep sigh and I feel my best friend put her hand over my fingers to calm them down.

"Hey, whatever it is it'll be okay." She says with a sad smile.

"I don't think it will be this time, Hope. T-they s-s-said that I h-have..." Tears started to fall from my eye sockets as I struggled to keep my cool. "I have a brain tumor, Hope."

My best friend doesn't have time to react before we hear voices coming from outside the door. I sniffle and dry my face just in time to see Mark waltz in all worried. My parents follow behind him and try stopping him but he rushes to my side and starts asking me a whole bunch of questions. "Babe, I'm okay." I say with a tight smile.

"If you were okay then you wouldn't be in here." Mark says which is true.

"I am okay. I just haven't been eating right so I fainted. It was my fault for not taking care of my body but you need to go home. I already made you lose half of your day. Go home and get some rest." I tell him because I'm in no mood to fake a smile to his face.


"I'm not going to argue. My parents will take you home. Right mom and dad?" I ask pleading.

"Of course sweetheart but we--."

"We'll talk later." I say but I still see the hesitant look on their faces. "I promise."

With that they leave and I don't bring myself to look at my best friend. "Why'd you lie to him?" she asks.

There's the question I was dreading. I sigh, "Because he doesn't deserve to be put through this again."

A/N: This was last weeks chapter that I forgot to post so here it is and  you will still get your regular Monday update and I can add a 2nd day to update(two updates in a week). Check out my SOCIAL MEDIA in my bio. Dedication to @morecottoncandy for the new cover.

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