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Techno pov.
Day after you left.
We woke up the next morning and wilbur was already getting ready to leave. 

"Techno do you and Tommy wanna come with me? I'm going to go to see y/n"

I nodded and woke up Tommy and we made our way to tubbos house. I walked up and knocked on the door.

Suddenly a very distressed loooking Ranboo opened the door. "Oh thank heavens... is y/n with you guys?!"

"No we thought she'd be with you guys.. is she not?"

Suddenly Ranboo just curled up in a ball very clearly not ok. And tubbo showed himself "no she never came back last night... and there was an attack on town... we don't know where she is or if she's ok."

That set alarm bells off in my head as we instant split up and started searching for our sister "I knew something was wrong! Why did I go after her I knew it!"

Y/n pov. ( back to normal time three days later.)

I walked around the kingdom and I bumped into someone a green cloak covering their whole body  a white mask with the letters XD on it and white feathery wings on his back I couldn't see anything else "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No no. It's ok it's my fault." He sounded like Dream.  "Are you lost? I don't think I've ever seen you here."

"I just got here sorry... I'm just looking for a place to settle for the night."

"Why are you so far from home?"  He seemed genuinely concerned.

I looked down. " home... got too much for me..."

"Did you ever talk To anyone about it?" He tilted his head as we started walking.

"I tried to... but I never wanted to be a bother you know?"

"Well I personally think your should head home."

"It's not worth it right now... I'll stay for a few days then I'll head home-" I was cut off.

"Those wings..." I heard a man say. "It can't be... child is that you?" I turned and made eye contact with a older man probably in his mid 4o's. "Those e/c eyes! Just like your mothers it is you! Y/n! Come here!" He opens his arms wide and I Hid behind the other guy I was walking with.

"Who the hell are you?" The voice was familiar but that was about it.

"Y/n... I guess it's been a while but... I'm your dad."

My jaw dropped "what?! No way in hell!"

"Stay out for just a second! I can prove it" said excitedly before He entered his home and came out with a box. "Please come look..."

I looked at the guy I was with but due to his mask I couldn't get a read. I finally stepped forward and heard a quiet "be careful around him." But when I turned around the guy was gone.

'Weird...' I walked to the box and in it was picutres of me and Tommy as little kids as baby's when my wings first started to grow in and out mother. My eyes started to water. 'Tommy... I found out dad... our actual dad...'

I looked up at the guy who's arms where still opened and I stood up and gave him
A big hug. "Your... your actually you..."

"Please stay with me... I'd love to offer my home to you." He paused and pulled away from me "Tommy! Do you know where Tommy is?"

"Yes I do! Tommy lives in a town about three days away from here l'manberg is it's name."

He smiled "did his wings ever grow in?"

"No his never grew." I said but he smiled

"Please tell me everything that happened in your travels."

My smile grew as he lead my inside the nice cozy home and sat down at the table. And I told him about Philza and how he found us and took us in. I told him About techno and Wilbur and how they are our siblings and I told him about Ranboo and tubbo. Even Tommy and how he grew up to be like.

He smiled and listened to my story

Ranboo pov
It's been three days and y/n had yet to show up... it's starting to get dark again. And everything is going down hill... Dream has Tommy's discs Jschaltt was elected President and everything was going crazy. And Wilbur and Tommy were exiled.

But the thing everyone I our group agreed on was finding y/n me tubbo techno and Philza would sneak off to Tommy and Wilbur and we'd search for y/n until dawn

But we never found her... Wilbur thinks Dream had something to Do with it.

Days passed. And days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month and no one could find Y/n... some wondered if she died.

That was until we were all in the pogtopia base that we were hiding in when a crow appeared carrying a huge letter.

Philza walked up and
Grabbed it "guys... it's from y/n." Suddenly everyone was surrounding
Him as he opened it "Tommy... it's addressed to you."

Tommy instantly took the
Note and opened it. We watched as he read through it and looked at something... "guys... she found our biological dad..."

Everyone froze. "She's said she's in a kingdom far away... the letter was dated two days ago..."

Philza nodded "crows fly fast... so that's a three maybe four day trip on foot..."

Tommy kept reading... "guys... she also says she doesn't plan on coming back... ever."

Techno tooo the note out of his hand and started to read "somethings wrong... random letters are uppercase."

Wilbur room the note "guys somethings wrong... she's asking for help."

Finally I spoke up. "Phil... ask your crow to take me To her" I said seriously

Philza nodded "no we are all going. I don't care who helped make her I raised her she my daughter screw the other guy." Philza grumbled.

Techno had already pulled out his axe. "Yeah someone's messing with the wrong family."

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