First Challange

427 17 19

Sorry late update!! Le exam.. and some problems :v... Forgive meehhh if it's bad or boring but le me ish having a headache!
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--Abe's POV--
Both Mihashi and Hinata finally caught up to us. Kageyama and I stared towards the room where they came from,which is the bathroom. Suddenly, a letter fell from the sky.
"Kyahooo!! Having fun? Awwww It didnt seem like it.. Just enjoy yer triiipp!! Oh and btw, there are 2 more ways to escape---"
"WHAT!? 2?!" Both Kageyama and Hinata shouted. Maybe .. they regretted on what happened earlier

"Shush! Im reading!" I snapped.

"One of them is to have some fun. There's a 'EXP' button on your jacket. It is to see how happy you were. It wont decrease. All you gotta do is to have fun and fill the exp bar. The second way is to...find a door in the room of spiders. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) that's all! Good luck kufufufufu~"

Spiders? Of all animals... Why spiders..!??!?! Well, it's not that Im scared but what if they are poisonous? "WHAT IF"..
"A-Abe! L-l-let's just enjoy the day!!T-then we can go out..."

"Mihashi... It'll be difficult for us to enjoy this amusement park if Kageyama and Hinata are.... know what I mean"

Hinata then slapped his face,"YOSHA!! Now,can we continue? Let's just fill this exp bar here!Looks pretty simple for me!" He points towards his jacket.
Hinata smiled from ears to ears and Kageyama slapped his face too.

"Humph Copycat!" Hinata stated
"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Kageyama replied

Here we go again.. Cat vs Dog...

-Hinata's POV-
"I cant be depressed over that forever!! Move on Move on! It's only a kiss!" I thought as I slapped my face to wake myself. I dont want to burden anybody just because our (you know) awkwardness(?)..

Abe seemed to realised what's going on and immediately pulled me. He stared at me as he said something.

"You can solve your own problem later. Just enjoy the park now! I know you're hurt but.. please! Mihashi is feeling bad for ya guys too.."

Humf.. Loving-bossy-intimidating- possesive boyfriend (Hey I got this from my friend :"D)

I nodded and as Abe released my hand, then I realised. We're going to ride roller coaster...


Feeling impatient, I immediately sat on one of the chair(the second from the front) and wore the belt.

"HINATA,YOU IDIOT!!! DONT JUST LEAVE ME BEHIND!" Kageyama shouted while running towards the seat beside mine.
Without realising it himself, Kageyama sat beside me.

"Kufufu! I bet yer bad with these kind of ride... Look at you,you're filled with sweats already" I teased.

"Y-you idiot! O-of course Im not scared this sweat is because I ran just now!" Kageyama denies.

"Oho~ Having so much fun already? Let's see who will scream the loudest~" Abe teased while he gently hold Mihashi's fragile hand. Mihashi seemed to be scared since he clench his eyes shut. Those hands... that's the hand that he used to pitch lots of balls... I wonder what he feel when he sucessfully pitch the ball. Does he has the same senesation as I do when I sucessfully spike?


Ah..!! It's moving!! The roller coaster is moving!!!

I laughed happily all the way while I heard someone chants(?) behind me.. Probably Mihashi. But,I didnt heard anything beside me until we reach the end.

"Urgh..Help meeeee...." Kageyama moaned.

I laughed at him and of course he smacked me. Then,we all realised that our exp bar is filled for---uhmmmm..ah.. I cant read this difficult number.

"It really works!!" Abe claimed.
"It's f-f-filled 1/10 so.. n-nine more rides!" Mihashi fist pumped

Mihashi is holding onto Abe's arm tightly since his legs were trembling and wont be able to fully support his body. Abe looks at Mihashi with full of caring and patted him.

Ah.. Im becoming jealous of their relationship...
If only Kageyama does that to me...

Well it's imposibble,huh?

Thinking about it, I let out a sigh and suddenly,I felt something heavy on my shoulders...
It was Kageyama's arm (Ha! Cliché :^)

"Oi.. Carry me" Kageyama said as he's still feeling nauseous.

"HAH! Just a roller coaster and you're like this!" I mocked.
I mocked him. Yea I do. But inside, Im thanking him for depending on me...

No cliffy-hangur
Me just got hurt by my crush
Sakit sa kokoro
... tragedy next part... I guess?
Soft tragedy~
Since my heart is in "rip in piece" condition.. (yea.. I uhmmm purposely did this)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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[Crossover:AbeMiha(Oofuri) x KageHina(HQ!)] Double Date (Shounen Ai)Where stories live. Discover now