The Heart Break

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It was lunch break, and I was walking towards the LP section. It was not like I wanted to get proposed by the girl who Abhi mentioned, but I was curious to know who she was. I waited for that girl near the Stone Bench. I was not alone there. Sanjana and her gang of friends were present there playing some random games. I saw Sanjana gazing at me and hence looked towards the other side. After some time, I saw her coming towards me.

"Hey, Aditya. What's up?" I just smiled at her without uttering anything.

"Umm... Aditya, could you do a favour for me?" she asked.

"What do you want?"

"Aditya, we were playing truth or dare. And, I've got a dare to make you hug me. So, could you, please," she said.

"Sanjana, I don't think I could" – "Aditya, it's just for the sake of the game. I know that your BFF and I, are not on good terms. But it's not like that for us, right. Aditya, please. You know I hate losing and I don't want to lose in this petty game, that too in front of my friends. Please, Aditya. A hug won't do any damage." She pleaded in front of me and I didn't feel like saying no to her as I knew that she would annoy me till I said yes from Ashish's words. After all, a hug won't do any damage and hence, I agreed. I hugged her and try to move back swiftly but Sanjana was holding me tight.

"Sanjana, Sanjana, leave me." She broke the hug and stood there smiling at me. I felt guilty somehow as I didn't want to stay there anymore.

"I must leave." I went away from there in haste. I walked back to class as the bell rang marking the end of the lunch break. Gauri Miss, our Math teacher, was already there in the class. I looked to my right side and saw that Agni has still not arrived. The class was going on and that was when Jagan came to the class. I was anxious as Agni was not there with him. I called him via Ananya when he came and took his seat which was in front of Ananya's bench.

"Jagan, is Agni still there at the Principal's room?" I enquired.

"No. She had left early, even before the end of the meeting. Hasn't she reached?" I was surprised to hear that. I feared thinking where she was. If she had any engagement, she would've told me before.

"Pari, did Agni say anything to you?" I asked Pari to which she nodded in negation.

"Then where is she?" I had many doubts arising in my mind. I wanted to find her soon. I stood up with a sudden urge.

"What happened, Aditya?" Miss asked.

"Miss, Nishant Sir had asked me to meet him after the lunch break. So can I go?" I lied to Miss as I knew she would never leave me if I said the truth.

"Oh, but I" – "Thank you, Miss." I ran out of the class without looking back. I searched here and there and finally spotted Agni at a secluded place near the basketball court. She was seated alone with her hands folded on her knees. From her body language, I was sure that something was not right.

"Agni, what are you doing here? Wait, why are you crying? What happened?" I asked while trying to wipe her tears. But I was shocked by her response as she pushed my hand away from her face.

"Don't touch me. I don't want to see you," she said with so much hatred filled in her voice.

"Agni, what? What's the matter?"

"You don't know the reason, right Aditya Sachdev? Oh, poor chap, who don't even remember what he had done. What did you think, huh? That I would congratulate you for hugging my biggest enemy and that too so dearly. If you had feelings for her, you could've told me, right? We could've stopped this BFF game. You know what, I thought you had changed. But no, you're still that guy who just has that one thought of hanging out with random girls. The guy who won't even give respect for other people's emotions. I can't even imagine that I chose you as my BFF. I'm ashamed of myself" – "Stop it, Agni Sharma. Enough of your accusations," I cut off her monologue, to which she looked at me with equal shock and anger.

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