Secret Message

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I threw my bag on the floor and burst into tears. I should have seen it coming. I mean, it was blatantly obvious, right? Of course the handsome, caring, popular guy would fall for the preppy, rude, gorgeous, popular girl. That's how all high school love stories go.

Then why am I so surprised?

Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie. You didn't think he'd ever fall for you? You're a loser. You have a grand total of two friends, messy hair, you play tennis, and he's only ever spoken to you one time. You don't stand a chance against Alice Hampton. You're screwed. Just give up.

No, I thought to myself. I cannot let her win. She has bullied me since the second grade, back when we attended Cliffhanger Elementary. She cannot pull me down.

I decided to take a quick bath to calm my nerves. After all, it would take some guts to even speak to Liam Payne. As the water flowed into the tub, my thoughts flowed freely as I thought of what Liam was like under his tough-guy exterior. I smiled to myself as I imagined him handing me a bouquet of roses just because he loves me.

I was so deep in thought that I almost didn't notice how full the tub was. I rapidly turned off the water and searched for my stash of bath supplies. I poured in some lavender and bath salt like a mad scientist experimenting with test tubes and beakers.

When I turned around, I looked at the steaming tub. The water looked hot and inviting and steamy. I stripped down and slowly stepped in. Instantly, I felt more calm and forgot about today's events.

About fifteen minutes later, my younger sister, Scarlet, knocked on the bathroom door.

"SIS!!!" she yelled. "It's dinner time!"

I sighed and watched the water escape down the drain. As I stepped out of the tub, I felt a chill run down my spine. I ran to my room and put on my Coca-Cola pajama pants and my One Direction shirt. I sprinted down the stairs, and I tripped on the last step.

Flying into the air, i tried to maneuver my body so that I landed in the least painful way. My arm hit the ground first with the force of my whole body weight plus gravity. It layed limply at my side as the rest of my body caught up and slammed into the ground, sprawling me over the hardwood floor.

I screamed in pain. I couldn't move my arm without feeling like someone was attempting to tear it off.

"I think I broke my arm!" I cried, searching for my family and spotting them running from the dining room towards me.

"Oh you poor thing!" my mom said as my dad hoisted me up and carried me to the car. Scarlet was carrying my dinner so that I could eat on my way to the hospital.

"You guys are the best," I said with a smile. "Now, could you do one more thing for me?"

"Yes, anything darling," my mom replied melodically.

I smiled to myself, knowing what her response was going to be. "Could you put my One Direction CD on while we drive? Liam always makes me feel better," I said with a grin as I watched my dad roll his eyes and put the CD on.

Scarlet turned toward me with a smug look on her face and holding her iPhone. "I can do better than that," she said, a suspicious grin forming on her face.

I wasn't sure of what she meant, so I shrugged it off. We arrived at the hospital just as Zayn sang the last line of 'Moments'. I sighed and opened the door with my good arm, looking at my barefeet with a frown. When I looked up, I almost fainted.

There, holding a beautiful bouquet of red roses, was Liam Payne, the love of my life.

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