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Shoto Todoroki didn't know what to think of you. He considered you a friend, but he wasn't sure if you considered him as one. You could sometimes act cold around him, but sometimes act kind and caring towards him. Either way, he still tried his best to not act rude towards you, since he was always taught to treat women with respect while growing up.

He could say he was comfortable around you, but he wasn't sure about you. He preferred being alone, but being around you was okay. You were cool to be around. But you always gave mixed signals on wether or not you actually saw him as a friend or if you were comfortable around him or not, but he decided to ignore that. The two of you have known each other since you were babies, for the time being he would assume that you were comfortable around him as well since you were comfortable enough to enter his room and stay there with him alone.

Shoto watched as you highlighted and wrote down notes, obviously absorbed into your textbook and jotting down helpful reminders that would help later on. He should probably be doing the same, but the way your hands moved like water while hastily writing in neat letters was captivating. It was sort of soothing to him. For the next few minutes, Shoto watched as you looked back and forth from your textbook to your notebook, brushing stray hairs that got in your way behind your ears. The way the sunlight danced across your back and the back-side of your head made you look almost ethereal—He just couldn't take his eyes off of you. Maybe it was because of the way you looked so at ease.

You must've felt his eyes staring at you for a while since you sighed and dropped your pencil. You lifted your head to face the heterochromia eyed boy and contorted your once calm face to give him your infamous stoic expression.

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face or something?" You voice was stern just like your face. The look you gave him and the way your voice deepened almost made Shoto feel intimidated, but he knew you wouldn't do anything but give back handed replies.

"No, there isn't. You can get back to studying." He replied, looking down at the almost empty page of his notebook. "If you're thirsty I can get you a drink." He told you, picking up his pen and secretly hoping you accepted his offer.

"I'm fine, thank you. I can wait until Fuyumi finishes cooking." You replied, declining his offer that he hoped you accepted—which kinda embarrassed him.

He nodded and started to open his textbook, flipping to the same page you were on.


Once Fuyumi finished dinner, she knocked on the door of Shoto's room before opening it.

"I finished dinner! Please come and eat." She said smiling. She no longer had on her apron and now had her hair in a low bun.

"Thank you, Fuyumi." You said adjusting from your stoic expression to a face that was slightly smiling while closing your textbook, setting your pencil and highlighter aside.

"It's no problem! Now hurry, before it gets cold!" Fuyumi hurriedly left the room. She must've been excited for you to eat the meal that she cooked since you haven't visited the Todoroki residence in a while.

Both you and Shoto stood up and began to walk to the dining area where Fuyumi had placed a large pot of soup and other small platters that had side dishes on them. There was also bowls of rice next to each plate, presumably bowls of rice for each family member plus you. There was a plate for Natsuo, who didn't have his health and warefare classes today but was probably asleep due to the long college day that awaited him the next day. There was a plate for Fuyumi herself, a plate for Shoto, and a plate for you. But there was an extra plate with an extra bowl of rice next to it. That meant that he was coming home. Endeavor, Shoto's father.

COLD-HEARTED | S. TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now