crescent moon

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난 오늘 예쁜 달을 찍었지뭐야...
요즘 하루하루가 넘나 힘들고 우울방구인데...
초승달하나봤다고 그 순간이 줄거웠지뭐야..
인생 별거없나봐 ~

Why the heck I took a pic of the pretty moon today...
These days, everyday is very difficult and depressing... 
Think of the moment I saw a crescent moon made me feel better...
I think life doesn't matter anymore ~

Sudah kenapa aku mengambil gambar bulan yang cantik hari ini ... Selama ini, setiap hari sangat sukar dan menyedihkan ...
Entah kenapa saat aku melihat bulan sabit membuatkan aku berasa lebih baik ...
Aku rasa hidup ni tak penting lagi ~

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