22 Chapter

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Kyoutanis pov

"I-I love you-u, t-too."

"I have never felt this way towards someone, so please wake u- HUH!" I looked up shock on my face.

All i saw was Y/n eyes slightly open, weak smile and pale blush on her face. I was frozen, she finally woke up and i didnt know what to do, i felt so happy at the moment i couldnt move my ass, my brain didnt even recall what she said. But her weak grip snapped me out of my thoughts, and i finally realised she was finally there, she finally woke up. And as i was about to grab her hand and hug her she raised her head and looked away from my eyes, slightly emmberesed.

"I love you too, Kyoutani."

Oh. Fuck.

My wet face burst into red color. Everything was happening too fast i couldnt think straight.
She looked at me again and giggled.

FUCK!!! She is so fucking cute!

And as i realised i looked like idiot i fast turn my face away from her, trying to hide my blush. But i never let her hend.

As i calmed down a bit, i took a deep breath, and turned to look at her with my usual grumpy expression.
"You idiot, I-I l-lov-"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! Y/N YOU ARE AWAKE!!!" I was interapted by older boys yelling.

Iwaizumis pov

I looked at her room. Kyoutani was still talking, or, i guess trying to talk.
But i couldnt deny it, it was pretty funny seeing him all nervous.

I looked down, my hands were shaking like crazy. Even tho i looked calm at the moment, i was total oposite from that. My heart was beating like crazy, my hands were sweaty, as well as my face. I was scared.

Fuck. She cant lose her memory.

I was slowely losing all hope, i know her chances to remember everything were low. But i couldnt take it. I couldnt take the fact that the sister that i knew might be gone.

And... its all my fault.

My vision started to get blury as i felt them fill up with saulty tears. Now, my whole body started to shake and it felt like my head would split open from the headache.

"Fuck." i silently cursed to myself.
At the moment my mind was at the same time full and empty, i started wipping the tears that were rolling down my cheaks.

YOU FUCKING IDIOT! I mentally yelled at myself.

You are so fucking stupid! This is all your fault, if only you had been a better brother, a better person! If only you talked to her, all of this would never happen! She didnt deserved any of this, and its all your fault.

Sudenlly i heard something from Y/ns room, but i was in too much shock to figure out what it was. Slowely i looked up and rubbed my eyes till my vision got better.

And then i saw it.

Y/ns hands being held by shocked Kyoutani and, her eyes. They were open.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! Y/N YOU ARE AWAKE!!!" I burst into room, not even thinking about poor boy that had fallen of the chair.
I grabbed her face fast but gantly making her look at me with her tired eyes.
"Y/n!! Do you remember me, you know, your brother?? Please tell me you do!! Please Y/n!!"

"Right now you are more noisy then Shittykawa." she gave me a weak half annoyed look.

"Dont joke around Y/n! Im serio-" then it hit me, she knew who is Oikawa.
I was just sitting there with blank expression, my brain trying to procces everything. She laughted a bit at my dumb looking face, but then she started coughing.

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