12 Chapter

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Y/ns pov

"I cant believe you got a dettention!!" was the first thing my brother yelled at me when he heard that i am going to stay in school a little bit longer.
"I told you to stop cursing all the time, but no, you wouldnt listen to me. And now you are here." he was so pissed of, his forehead was full of veins.

"I know." thats the only thing i could say to him.

"You dont even have good grades!" he yelled even louder.
"Iwa-chan, calm down." the brinete walked up to us tapping Hajimes shoulder.

"No! She is just causing troubles for everyone!" he hit taller boys hend.
"Iwa-chan! Dont say som-"

"No, he is right." I say silently not looking at older boys. "I gotta go. Dettention will start soon."

As i was slowly walking away i heard a slap. I turned around to see Oikawa slapping Hajimes cheek and yelling at him. But I didnt really care to figure out what was he yelling about.

Soon i get to the classroom where i was supposed to have my dettention. As i walk in i saw teacher and the other person who got in this big trouble, because of me. I greeted teacher and he told me to set down one desk away from boy. We were supposed to do some work, but teacher just told us to do our homework. And i started doing it, but i really didnt do it. I was just drawing some stupid sketches.

After 15 minutes teacher probably got bored and told us that he will be back at the end of dettention or maybe sooner. And then he just left.

I just sat there, not knowing what to do. It was pretty boring.

I turned my eyes on Kyoutani, he was sitting in his chair, legs on desk. I looked at his face just to find a big bruise on his cheek. This is all my fault. I was looking at his face and find few more scratches. And i didnt notice that i was staring at him like some stupid idiot.

"What?" he asked in calm but still somehow angry tone.

"Im sorry." i whispered.

"I cant hear you."

"I said im sorry. You got bitten up because of me." i said not looking at his eyes.

"Well the guy was being an idiot." he looked out the window.

I was about to thank him, but that wanst like me.

I dont fucking do this.

"Well, i was better at my own." in that moment i remembered that every time till now when im in trouble or something like that he is always around to help.

"Yeah. Just like with Yahaba." he said in very scary tone. "Everything would be great if i didnt show up, right?"

"H-hey. T-thats different." His harsh voice made me a little bit scared. "But you happened to jus-"

"Or like in the park." i froze at this. "When you were alone."

WHY? Why is he bringing this up now?!

"Iwaizumi. Its been over a month. Since, well since the park." he stood up coming closer to my desk. "Why are you doing that."

WHY? Why is he trying to talk to me about all of this? W-what is he trying to do now?

I was froze. I couldnt say shit, my mind was full of questions. I couldnt take that anymore. Soon i felt my desk squeezing, he leand on it.

"Please. Talk to me. Y/n." he said in cold yet so calm voice.

I looked at ground muttering under my breath. "What do you want from me?"

Kyoutanis pov

"Please. Talk to me. Y/n." i tried to be nice to her. To help her, at least by talking. She said something, or rether whispered so i couldnt really hear her. "Speak louder."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" i was taken back. She yelled not looking up. I was so surprised by this i couldnt talk for a solid 10 seconds. Soon i opened my mouth hesitantly.
"Im trying to talk to you." i said trying to meet her eyes. "I want to help."

"Why dont you run from me?" she sighed in calm way.
Shit what should i say. This was all new to me. I have never tried to talk to someone like this before.
Think idiot. THINK! i guess i was thinking too long because of her next question.

"What are you wondering?"

Soon i spoke up. I said the first thing that was on my mind.
"Im here because i wanna help you." i took a deep breath before saying the following. "Iwaizumi. Why do you keep hurting yourself. And dont play dumb. I know already."

She lift her head up looking at my eyes.


She was crying. Her eyes were red and full of tears. She was shaking like crazy.

"W-what do you know?"

"I-i saw blood on your arm yesterday. When Yahaba put your hands above your head, your sleeve rolled down." i tried to calm her down by patting her shoulder but she hit my heand and yelled.

"WHY ARENT YOU SCARED OF ME!?" she was breathing really hard. She couldnt control the tears anymore.
"Why would i be Iwaizumi? Im trying to help you!" i yelled back but not so loud so i wont scared you.

After few seconds she calmed her breathing, stood up and went to the sink. I looked at her confused. She splashed water on her face and tried to stop tears. Soon she was back to normal, but her eyes were still a little bit buffy. She came back to her desk and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Why do you care for me?"

I tried to get something to say to her. But I couldnt find the right answer. Then it hit me.

You like her idiot. Tell her that! Tell her that you like her. Tell her that you like her every single flaw and virtue!! IDIOT!

"Because i li-"

"Are you two done with your homework?" The teacher interrupted me.

This fucking assh-

"If you arent keep going. You dettention will be over in less then half an hour." he said as he sat down at his chair. Soon we both sat down and were doing our homework.

Till the end of dettention he was in classroom with us so we didnt say a word. But I kept looking at her jsut to make sure that she was ok. Her eyes were still buffy but a lot less and her eyes were dead like she didnt care at all for anything. But her hends were shaking as crazy.

As teacher check our homeworks he told us we could go home.

We both walked out the school and i tried to grab her shoulder. "Iwaiz-" she cut me off by just smaking my hend away and walking away not giving me even a little glance.

"I gotta tell her tommorow. Even if she turns me down."

Authors note

Update after years...

Finally i manage to write. Thank you all for keep waiting.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as well as the full story!

Her songs are so true and it just hits me everytime!

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