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Scheduled chapter

University parties begun I am dead


When San screamed two of them were already on the water.

Jisung and Jeongin jumped in their places as Minho rushed through them, almost making the older fall as he threw himself to the water, without even thinking.

"What's happening?"

"Mass saving, the weekend shift is smaller, they don't have enough people to cover everyone, shoot, look, it's the current.", Jeongin's voice was unstable as he pointed to the sea.

Jisung felt his insides shake at the sighs, more than twigs people waving their arms around past the safe zone, two boards with life guards and two water bikes on the spot, dragging them away as well as they could.


"Jisung!", Mario shouted next to them, handing him two boards. "Go."

"What?", the shorter screamed as everyone on the beach became aware of the situation, screams and whispers mixing in the air. Changbin Hadrian off to the tower, probably to get his stuff as Chan and Jeongin had already gone to the water. "I-I can't-"

"It's an emergency, we need you there."

"But Minho-"

"Minho went there without a board like an idiot and he needs you to go in and save him from his stupid mistake as well as those people.", Mario got a hold of his shoulder, rushing through his speech as his eyes shook around. "You have what you need there, I know you do, so just go. Believe in yourself."

The next moment he was gone too, already trying to get through the impact zone. Jisung only theme wakes how bad the waves were, how they pushed some of the lifeguards away faster than they could paddle to the people, how the current pulled the others against the rocks, closer and closer and closer.

His whole body tensed, he couldn't let it happen again.

Minho is moved by the fear of losing someone again.

So is he.

He knew that was probably a stupid way to go, it after running and paddling as fast as he could with one arm, he got up on the board, taking Minho's one in his arms and almost falling off a few times before he made it past the danger area, then plopping down on is knees again and paddling as fast as he could, the second board suddenly forgotten in the sea.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Minho looked exhausted from staying afloat but it didn't stop him from being rude, That was for sure.

Jisung rolled his eyes, coming down to the water.

"Bringing you a board, you idiot, you though I'd come with by hand till here? I'm dumb but not that much."

Without even giving him the time to answer, Jisung turned back to go get the other board, swimming to the place where he was needed after and doing his job, his first saving at Bondi, on a board, not even during his work time.



"You were amazing out there, Jisung Hyung!", Jeongin climbed to him with a smile on his face, a small cut on his leg as Seungmin examined it.

"Thanks Innie, so were you.", he ruffled the guy's head and let Seungmin scold him for moving so much, stepping away and sitting next to Mario on the floor, everyone in the central tower with Felix lying on the bed, his arm bleeding from and accident on water and his head running around.

"He'll be okay, Changbin's got him.", Mario patted his shoulder, offering him the usual smile. "You were amazing there, Jeongin isn't lying. I'm really proud of you."

"I feel like you're my dad sometimes.", Jisung laughed. "Or my chief, more than the actual one."

Mario nodded, not losing his smile, but Jisung could clearly see his expression changing.

"He's proud too, even though he doesn't show it."

"Dude, you have some really strong interns here, this boy got three in a row back there!", Wooyoung sat down next to Felix and patted his head, getting a glare from Changbin.

"You fucking idiot, he can have a concussion, don't touch his head."

"I'm fine.", the blonde sputtered out as Wooyoung hovered over him.

"You're so cute, what's your name?"


Wooyoung nodded, smiling around.


"Can you stop bothering my patient?", Changbin finished putting the bandage on his arm and moved slightly away, kind of considering his next move.

"He's not bothering at all, Changbin Hyung.", Felix shot him a lovely smile and Jisung cooed at Changbin's panicked face.

"You're ridiculous."

"Shut up. San, get your man for the love of god."

Jisung laughed as the pink haired turned to him with a confused expression.

"And why?"

"He's flirting with Felix."

San rolled his eyes.

"He flirts with everyone stop being silly. Just admit you want the freckles one and go, I'm almost getting diabetes from watching you sugar him all day."

Mario left shouting a bunch of spanish words at the embarrassed guy, who tried to shush him but got only laughs in return.

Jisung was pretty sure one of the words had been tomato.


I hate university lol

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