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[I never watched Corl as much so I don't REALLY really know his personality but I'll try my best to go off of The Pals Videos]

Elijah's P.O.V:
After leaving The Black Box, I was still laying in bed, just staring at the ceiling. I heard a knock on the door. I groaned as I didn't want to get up, I opened the door to see who it is.
I was expecting Alex or Sub but Denis was infront of me with his hands locked in with eachother, infront of his stomach.
"I---" Denis started but didn't complete his sentence, he just looked down again. I sighed "Come in...", He looked up and nodded.
We sat on the bed with the door closed. "Explain" I looked at him straight in the eyes, "You fir--" I cut him off "No". He looked down breaking the eye contact, "I-I can't..... I couldn't let him go like that.... He....." he broke down into tears, "12 years..... And then......". I didn't expect him to cry, I hugged him as he cried into chest. "He promised.... and....". "Shhh, It's ok... I wouldn't wanna loose Sub when it wasn't my fault either........." I sniffled, "W-Why would he just---!?!" he looked at me with puffy eyes filled with tears. I furrowed my eyebrows in a worried look, "It's my fault...... I'm sorry...." I looked away from him, "..........But U di-dn't do anyth-thing! It is not ur fau-lt!" he hugged me tighter, Probably trying to comfort me but.... I can't blame him, he doesn't that I'm basically a monster.
I back away from him looking down, I close my eyes shut. "..I'm sorry...." I tried to say but I couldn't. I wanted to go back to the box. I wanted him to help me instead. With Braden, He has always been more... idk how to say it but basically, they both have a better relationship then I do with him.. tho he has only encountered with him twice and both were an accident.
I opened my eyes and I was in The Black Box but, he wasn't there. He wasn't controlling me coz I would've known if he was. I sighed, "WHERE ARE U!?!!" I yelled for him, He has to be some where here..

Denis' P.O.V:
After staring down, Elijah just passed out on top of me, it made me blush but I was pretty sure it was an embarrassdd blush. I quickly wiped my tears, "uhm------ E-Elijah?" I shook him to make sure he did pass out, he didn't reply and I was sure that he passed out, I set him in bed properly and tuck him in.
I got up and went downstairs. I saw Alex and Sub on the couch talking about the wedding, I almost forgot about that! I ran to them, "Hey guys! I have a quick question" I hopped in their conversation, trying not to look like I was upset or anything. "yeah, wassup?" Sub said, I sit down infront of them, "First... U guys don't mind Braden come over, right?" I asked, "I don't mind" Alex said and looked at Sub, "Yeah, It's ok! U obviously want him in ur wedding since he is ur childhood friend" Sub said. After that he looked away a lil and seemed to be blushing, I titled my head in confusion but ignored it.
"I also wanted u all to help me with the wedding invites while I go pick him up. I have a list of people and u can add a few more people if you like, that I know ofc. But make sure there aren't more then 50-60 people coz I don't want it to be super crowded" I said. [I thought I wrote it wrong coz... Crow ded] "Yeah I'll love to help!!" Alex smiled and Sub nodded, "Tysm guys!!!" I said hugging them, "Ofc Din-Din" Alex replied. "I better hurry up" I said and got up.

I parked in the parking lot and rushed in. I was 30 mins late, I saw him waiting with Starbucks coffee in his hand. "HEYYY!!!" I ran towards him, "Denis!" he exclaimed, we hugged, "I missed u" I said. I'm rly soft and sensitive when it comes to friendships and honestly, seeing him again was gonna make me cry. "I missed u too" we pulled back, "D-Did they--?", I shook my head yes, a small smile grows on his face, "D-Do u think we all will stay friends again?" he asked, I stayed silent for a bit before replying ".... maybe" I say "Let's go to the car" I add before he says anything and walked to my car. He follows me and we get in the car.
We reached home and I was super excited but also a little scared. I didn't feel good honestly, I had no idea why tho. I opened the door, "We're back!!!" I yelled and closed the door. No one was downstairs, "Do u mind sharing a room?" I asked Braden as I helped him with the bags, "S-Sure" he says "depends on who I'll share with", "Well probably Alex since Elijah is sharing with Sub but maybe they'll want to change" I shrugged. "Oh ok!" he replies, "Speaking of, Do u want to meet them?" I smiled, "I-Idk-" he hesitated, "I'll be there with u!" I say, "O-Okay then" he said with a nervous smile.
We go upstairs and guessing by the laughing, they were in Elijah and Sub's room. I open the door with Braden behind me, "LOOK WHO'S HERE!" I smiled as everyone's attention was at us. Alex and Sub seemed happy but, Elijah didn't. They both hugged and talked to Braden for a while. Elijah just layed back in bed, mumbling something. I looked back at Braden who was smiling slightly. He looked at Elijah then his little smile dropped, Ig Alex noticed coz he said "Don't worry he'll be back to his old self soon!", Braden smiled weakly and nodded.
"Ok guys, U have to decide who is gonna sleep with who, I'll go talk to Gabby if she wants to add anyone else while u do that" I say and leave.

"I hope they make up."

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