A Friend In Need

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staymagical123 Another Chapter done! 😊😊😊😁😁😁

We flew for what felt like hours causing me to frown in concern (Y/N) never leaves my sight for 15 minutes let alone all day and night I sighed feeling stressed out seeing Nights look at me out the corner of my eye.

Nights - Is everything alright?

Balan - I'm afraid not *frowns* I can't find my beloved anywhere this is truly a mess

Nights - *frowns* We will find him I'm sure he's independent enough to stay safe for the time being

Balan - You misunderstand me..I never let him out of my sight I've failed and look what has happend

Nights - ...So their truly is a door between our worlds?

Balan - It would seem so something has happend to my word something terrible everything was dying my magic is meant to protect and heal but instead I've hurt the one I loved Wonderworld was decaying....But my other half Lance his powers healed our home....he healed (Y/N) arm...*tears* the more I think about it the more I'm realizing our powers have indeed swapped

Nights - *frowns* But that doesn't explain your powers being gone now?

Balan - *sigh* I simply don't understand it myself it might be the fact that I'm here in this world but I just don't know still its better than hurting (Y/N)

Nights - .....

Balan - My memories simply will not allow me to forget the pain I have caused (Y/N) *tears

Nights - I'm sure he knows it's an accident *smiles*

Balan - I fear that's not the case

Nights - what do you mean?

Balan - ...I when I tried to hold him in my arms he backed away from me scared it killed me inside

Nights - He could have just been through a traumatizing experience and reacted in the moment

Balan - I suppose *frowns*

Balan POV - We kept flying looking around suddenly Nights landed on the ground as we split back apart where I could move again.

Balan - I fear something bad has happend *tears*

Nights - Hey calm down we'll find him! *smiles*

Balan - It's infuriating that I can't fly at the moment! I can't lose him!

Nights - Balan....

Nights POV - I saw how he began to unravel going crazy (Y/N) truly has his heart. I scratched the side of my head frowning I'm sure he was ok but remembering what Balan said before was a cause for concern.

I never let (Y/N) out of my sight

Balan POV - Tears began to run down my face as I grabbed the sides of my head shaking.

Balan - Why am I even in this predicament?! The one time I need my magic most to find my sweetheart it won't allow me?!?

Nights - Hey calm down cheer up we'll find him I'm sure he's in one of our worlds

Balan - *tears* He's my everything.....how could I allow this to happen?!

Balan POV - Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder looking up as Night's gave me a serious stare.

Nights - Will find him I promise

Balan POV - I nodded my head as she gave a small smile grabbing my hand as I followed her to one of the gates.

Nights - Shall we look here?

Balan - Pardon me but where?

Nights - Why Nightopia silly! *giggles*

Balan POV - I felt her drag my arm as we began to go through the door a shining bright light emerged as I covered my eyes.

I wasn't sure what was going on but Nights seemed to want to help me get (Y/N) back...I was greatful

I was greatful

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