🌻 Sun Representations 🌻

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Here are some representations of the sun that you can put on your altar or in your space:

🌻 Sunflowers
🌻 Gold
🌻 Red, orange, and yellow ribbons
🌻 Fresh fruit
🌻 Dried orange or lemon slices
🌻 Statues of sun deities
🌻 Paintings of the sun
🌻 Citrine
🌻 Sunstone
🌻 Red, orange, gold or yellow candles
🌻 The sun symbol
🌻 Cinnamon, frankincense, lemon, or orange incense or scented candles
🌻 Himalayan salt lamps
🌻 Lights
🌻 Plants
🌻 Acorns
🌻 Oak leaves

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