First day

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(The story started with you being timid kind caring humble and shy person)
You have changed the school and finally about to enter your new class were waiting in the staff room for your teacher to guide you to your new class as you walked down the hallway everyone was staring at you can hear the whispers..

'Woah is she the new transferred student?'

'How can someone be so pretty?'

'Do you think she has a boyfriend?'

Bell rang and everyone went to there classes..

So we have a new student here entered the class and was looking down until ...

Teacher said to introduce yourself.. 'Hello I am L/n Y/n...nice to meet you all..i hope we can get well along' you said  in a shy tone...

I was too embarrassed to face up... Teacher asked me to take my seat next to a guy with black hair who was sleeked back into a pony he was wearing glasses...i thought to myself that he might be really good at studying I think I will borrow notes from him later wonder if he will even give me... I sat next to him.. And paid attention during the whole lessons... Not bother to introduce myself again as he was pretty into his textbook so I thought I might bother him.. was lunch whole crowd of Students gathered around me asking me about stuffs... I got panicked and tried to answer them all.. Never in my life people gathered crowd around me.. I was too nervous... I think I answered them politely enough while they were all so polite with me... Some girls invited me to have lunch with them I respectfully declined because am not used to it I mean eating lunch with a group of people...I don't know I prefer eating alone or was it that I was alone the whole time that i got use to it... I went back to my seat to grab my lunch from my bag pack I noticed that the guy who was sitting next me talking to a guy with blonde hair...but then they were eating peyoung yakisoba from the same box...

'Wow they seem pretty close ' I thought to myself

... I grabbed my lunch box and went to the rooftop... I had my lunch in the rooftop while I didn't realised that tears were rolling down my cheeks, until they fall on my hands I said to myself...
'Oh I actually never had lunch on rooftop since so long.' you cried while putting your hands on your eyes to wipe your tears...

'Hey ummm L/n San I guess... You forgot you bread on the table' a guy approached from behind you....

'What oh am so sorry for troubling you thank you so much '... You said while bowing down...

He handed you the bread

'ummm you can have this as well 'he said while taking out his handkerchief...

'Oh thank uhh so much but I can't have it you said while looking down'

'Umm you don't have to worry it's clean and I mean it's pretty obvious that you were crying idk the reason but it must be rude of me to ask you that so the only thing I can do is give you this handkerchief'

I didn't excepted someone to show me kindness like this respecting my privacy.. I can't say no to him he is so kind it will be rude of mee...

'Thank you so muchh... Umm may I know your name?'

'Oh it's Baji kei suke kinda strange that I am introducing myself now while we were sitting next to each other.. Sorry for that'...

Oh he noticed ...and also did I just made him feel sorry oh shit....

'No am sorry I didn't introduced myself first I thought you were busy I don't wanted to disturb you... Also if you don't mind can I borrow some notes from you'

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