A City Full Of Mercenaries 'Part O̺͆N̺͆E̺͆' 'A new arrivel at the U.I.O.M.'

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A nineteen year old man woke to the sound of fire and screams of voices so familiar, he ran out of his room and looked everywhere for them but he couldn't find them the smoke and ashes were too heavily for his vision to pierce, the voices grew closer as he pushed through the smoke of a burning mansion the smell of burning trees, gas and ashes filled the he coughed as he pinched his eyes shut and rushed into a room full of paintings of people's faces all melting away, within the room he saw a window at the end of it and ran to it in a ever fasting speed he tried to call out but his voice was silenced by the sound of shattering glass and burning floor-boards, he reached the glass as he saw another hand being placed upon it from the other side the familiar voices now had faces, he watched as they all burned every last one of them, their faces melting like wax peeling off their heads the hand on the window slowly slid down and roasted blood slowly followed the hands movements into a symbol of a cross like blade as it slowly dropped out of view of boy, his eyes slowly began to close as he saw the fire completely consume the ones he loved so dearly as their voices were silenced.

Chapter one ' a new arrival at U.I.O.M '

Standing at 6.5 feet tall the boy awoke as if it was a nightmare coughing loudly from a small room in a metal room full of brown leather coated seats, the sound of an engine and splashing of water ringed in his ear as he brushed his bright orange hair from out of his face, he reached up from the floor he laid on and pulled himself to stand, he looked around to see two windows and a metal door, he looked upon himself raising his arms to notice that he was clothed and without a single scratch or burn on him his soft peach face slowly started to tense ' I should be dead ' he thought to himself as he looked down to see he was in dark grey pants white long sleeve shirt and a pair of black polished runners, he took another look around he looked through the windows to notice a vast sea surrounding what seemed to be a large boat of metal, he gazed in amazement at the sparkling water ' where in hells game am i ' he though to himself as he looked to the door and began to approach it, his large pale-peach hand gripped onto the door handle he pushed it open and what was upon him was a crowd of deviant and unusually strange people, with horns others with tails some with both and as far as the human mind could image upon the deck of the boat and at the end a large drawbridge located on the boat, he stepped out into the crowd as a loud speaker bleeped " here at the agency we protect what needs to be protected no matter the cost of that victory and seek to help all that construct a new life for those with the abilities passed down to them that the world need not to understand we hope you enjoy your stay at your new forever " a pre-recorded message repeated over the speaker system of the front gates in a calm voice of a woman as the drawbridge lowered.

A very tall teenage man with light orange hair, peach coloured skin, white long sleeve top and grey pants stepped off the boat and stared up at the entrance in front of him " what a load of nonsense " the voice of a long black haired girl giggles beside him, he raised his light peach coloured hands onto the back of his light orange hair moving his fingers through his soft hair  " the same thing here if I knew where here was, if you don't mind me asking what's your name miss ", the girl in a bright yellow and black short sleeve jumper motioned her head to Simon " your name first " the girl replied Simon notice a familiar symbol on the girls neck, before replying in a put on masculine voice " Simon-, just Simon " he paused they both turned to face the gate, Simon looked over his shoulder and the girl had vanished ' where the hell she go ' Simon thought to himself as he turned his head once again.

Simson looked back to the gate in a swift movement before walking off the boat and up to the massive blue solid steel gate and moving though with a crowd of random people all seeming to be vastly different from one another's he gate opened to what seemed to be some type of city completely cut off from the rest of the world filled with neon signs and streets of people, Simon raised an eyebrow as he notice every single person in the streets of this city like fortress in front of him were carrying firearms or weapons of sorts ' I must be dreaming ' Simon said while chuckling to himself.

Simon moved into a line of people who were moving into the gates and up to what seemed to be heading to some type of receptionist stand with multiple welly suited men and women, over time the line past and Simon was standing in-front of the brown polished desk filled with computers and machines, a lady in a black and white formal suit and black shades walked up to Simon from the other side of the desk " Simon ph- oh. uhh , could you please put your arm over facing up on the desk please " Simon moved his arm so the lower arm faced upward a large machine came down on his arm and places tiny clips into it and burnt a barcode into his lower wrist the machine pulled up as Simon pulled his arm out of the machine, ' what in the world a tag what the hell is this place ' Simon thought to himself, the woman on the other side of the desk smiled " this is the U.I.O.M or undercover Institute of mercenaries, created by The Agency to give a second chance to people Such as yourself " his stated handing him a set of keys " how did you read my thoughts? " Simon stared in confusion " you'll learn if that's your thing " the woman smiled

The lady at the desk handed him a suit-case then leant her elbow on the desk and pointed to a large door on the left " you'll get everything you need there ", " very well then " Simon nodded before heading over to a large open door way and walked in complete un-phased by the noise of gun light gun fire from within the room he walked up to another desk this time to a man dressed in a full unnamed military uniform " names Jack, I guess miss hunter sent you here Simon, move to the back over there and pick whatever suits your style ", " I'm baffled does everyone here know my name all of a sudden? " Simon announced in absolute puzzlement " well now your here and with a last name such as yours it wouldn't be so hard to notice you, come on I'll take you to the styling room " Jack replied in a chuckling laughter.

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