8~love of my life

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No boy had ever gave me flowers until Alan walked into my life.

On Valentine's day, I went to pick up Alan from his house. He walked out handsome as could be, with flowers and a present. My heart fluttered.
Could I really be this special to him?

At my house, we ate Jersey Mikes subs. I finished all of my sub with Alan leaving some of his left. This obviously bothered me as my body image is awful as can be.

I got Alan quite a lot of stuff for this special occasion. This was my first Valentines with a real boyfriend. Alan got me a big, white bear holding a red heart. He also got me a card and wrote that he loves me.

That night, I expressed to Alan how I was in love with him. I truly wanted to spend my whole life with this boy. Alan made me the happiest girl in the world.

About a week after Valentine's day, my mother and I took a trip to Walt Disney World. We always go to Disney once to a couple times a year. I started getting depressed in January, so my mom thought this trip could help cheer me up. Little did she know, it was only temporary and I felt guilty to face that fact.

On the trip, I compared sizes with every boy or girl I came across at the parks. I picked every person apart, piece by piece. I felt a strong guilt and dissatisfaction every time I ate at Disney.
259 words

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