Ch. 1 "Beginning"

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                                          Amber POV

I looked over my shoulder as I ran with the box of cookies I just stolen,

"Get back here!" The man hollered

I smirked,

I have to admit it is rather amusing to watch, I thought

I duck down a alley jumping the fence, and landing on the other side,

I see nothing but rage behind his eyes, I smirked, running away from the angered man,

I don't really talk much, and there is a reason for that, the red room, you don't talk unless spoken too,

Even though it's been six months since my escape, I still remain silent, I trust no one but myself, I don't even know how I ended up there,

I don't know my family or where I came from all I have is the neckless my mother gave me,

A bird neckless, and on the back of it,

It says I'll come back for you my little bird, Momma,

That's all I have,

I shake my head heading to the park,

That's when I hear a ruckus, 

As I approach I see a few teenager picking on a little kid,

"Look a this kid carrying a Iron man toy, how lame," One said as he held it,

The kid jumped trying to take it back,

"Give it back!" The kid yelled,

I shook my head,

I approached them, setting the box down, knocking the older boy's knees from behind, and held him in a headlock, while the other boy rushes at me, I still had the kid in a headlock I bounced my feet off the brick wall kicking the kid in the head, making him fall,

all the teenagers scrabbled and ran, I picked up the toy,

"T-Thank you," She said

I nodded grabbing the box of cookies and walked out of the alley,

If there is one thing I hate in this world it's bullies, think they are so superior just because they are bigger or stronger,

I sat on the park bench eating the cookies, swinging my feet back and forth as I munched on the goodness,

That's when I saw them,

Hawkeye and BlackWidow chasing down someone who looks like they robbed a bank,

Cool, I thought

Black widow tackles the man, resulting in his face meeting the ground, they cuff him and pull him to his feet,

Widow was looking around as if she could feel my stare and makes eye contact with me, her eyes widen,

I smile then grab my cookies and run off,

                                   Nat POV

I felt someone watching, sure a bunch of people were watching as we caught the suspect but, this felt different, I thought

I found a pair blue eyes

The red Hair, But it couldn't be, she was dead right?

I mean I left her in the care of some very close friends, just to keep her safe,

To keep her out of danger, then after coming back I found them dead, I never found, her body,

But I know one thing is I'm going to find out I though I thought

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