There is no way that Colby is boyfriend material.
Ok at first I thought he wasn't boyfriend material.
He is just going to use you like every other girl he dated, why don't you ask them, they can tell you how Colby just used them as a sex object. Wow the lack of words that are coming out of your mouth is really pointing out the kind of person you are.
I don't want to be that person, you have to use a shoulder to cry on, or that person that has to throw something at him every time he comes over here to apologize for breaking your heart, and having to hear the same speech " I'm sorry Marsha, I'm different around I am a changed person around you, there is no body else when I am around you." speech and the next day when you did not accept his apology he is out with another girl and you ask how'd you know and I will say " Instagram baby Instagram."
What are you saying that you don't want to stick up for me or let me use your shoulder to cry on is that it. No it is not it, it's just that I have seen this stuff so many times to know what happens and in the end the girl ends up getting hurt.
Okay to him I don't exist, and if I don't exist to someone then I am not real to them and when someone mentions my name to them they will be like " Marsha whose that, is she real is she some one I go to school with." Not only do I love you just used your name in third person but I also love how much self-confidence you have in yourself, it's really therapeutic.
Since when did you become a PhD. Okay I am not saying that I am Dr. Phil but, there are plenty of other guys out there. Okay you going to give me anixety. Anxiety? Yes but you expect me to go on tinder and find the ugliest guy on there that isn't Colby.
You never good at following the rules anyways when it came to guys. Why are you saying that? Because I told most of my friends that went out with Colby the exact same thing, the information went in one ear out the other, and look how they ended up single and alone and not straight and no self-confidence when it comes to picking up people. Ok a your utter lack of self-confidence is really giving me wrinkles, have you ever thought that they were the problem that they weren't good enough for him and that they are the ones that made him like that all hurt and damaged and used as a sex toy.
What are you trying to say that it's my friends fault? I mean look at it, he used to be nice back then, until he dated your friends, and then all of a sudden they turned gay and they supposedly have trouble picking up dates, and they probably got your information and that it did not go out of their ears they just reversed it, I mean he is not gay.
Why would you say something, after all I've been doing for you. Doing for me? You've been feeding me all this information about Colby this whole time, and then you were trying to convince me that your friends innocent, who am I kidding I am talking to the jokester of all people, look I may not know what it feels like to be cheated on but now I do know what if feels like to stabbed in the back by a FRIEND.
And I am not saying it's one's fault because you can clearly see the guilt written on your friends faces, and it's very obvious, after they dated, they turned gay, and played the innocents card, and so trying to protect your friends as of today are long over.
forbidden love
Literatura FemininaShe just started college and she noticed this guy who went to grade school with her, and she has a major crush on him, but he doesn't know she exist, and her best friends are playing the innocent victim card as if they weren't the cause of it.