Chapter 2

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Previously on 

Kelly has Squad moving into the building. After 20 minutes we see them coming back out with Casey and both Kelly and Casey are holding Herman and they pass him off to Shay and Dawson. After getting everything packed away and we all head to the hospital to check on Herman. When we get there Shay tells us he is still in surgery and that his family is on the way. I sit down in the chair and Kelly sits next to me, he grabs my hand and we just sit there.

"I'm sorry"

Quick Note for this Chapter: Buck has the same injury as when he was crushed by the fire truck on the same leg and he will still be crushed by the fire truck like he was at the end of season 2. 


Kelly's Pov

A few months have passed since And died and Herman nearly died.  After we left the hospital at night Buck and me came back to my apartment and we talked because I love him so much. When I told Buck about my shoulder and neck injury he was mad that I have kept it from him and that I was putting off the surgery just because I didn't want to be off of work for a year.  Buck also got mad at me because of what happened between Shay and me, and why she moved out of the apartment. When the Ambulance accident happened I told Shay that I was sorry and how Buck was making me go back to the doctor and how he and Dawson are making me get surgery along with Boden. Shay moved back in when she got out of the hospital. Tomorrow I'm going to have the surgery and Buck will be staying with Shay and me, to help out with helping to take care of me. I'm laying on the couch when Buck comes over and lays on top of me. 

"I hope the surgery goes well tomorrow". says, Buck

"Me too Buck". I say. 

The next morning 

Buck, Me, and Shay all get to the hospital early this morning.  The nurses put me in a room and I change into the grown and lay in the bed. Buck sits in the chair next to me and holds my hand. When it came time to take me back Buck kisses me and hugs me along with wishing me good luck. They take me to the OR and put me under. 

Buck's Pov

They just took Kelly back for surgery and Shay and me are waiting in his room.

"How are you doing with everything"? ask Shay

" It has been getting better in the last month but I wish things between Kelly and Casey were better. Heather still blames Kelly and she has been hanging out along with flirting with Casey which has Kelly goes crazy because she will not talk to him". I tell her. 

Shay gets up and hugs me and I start to cry because of everything that has been going on since Andy died and what Kelly has been going through since Andy died. 

A few hours later the doctor comes in and tells us the surgery was a success and that they will bring Kelly back to the room in an hour. 

An hour later 

They bring Kelly in and he is still a little out of it. The Doctor tells us what his aftercare will be and he will get to go home tomorrow if everything stays the same tonight. I grab Kelly's hand and just hold it. I feel him squeeze my hand and I see his eyes open.

"Hey Kel". I say. 

"Hey Ev". says Kelly 

"How are you feeling"? asked Shay. 

"Like I can't feel how much pain I'm in". says Kelly. 

I can see Kelly fighting sleep and I can see that Shay sees it too. 

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