1. Gun Shot

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"Dadaaa, dadaaaaaaaa; I am backkkkk!!!!," one over excited little girl came running from the main door, as she just got some sort of praising from her school teacher; which she want to share with her Dad!

Listening his little girl shouting, one hot and handsome Dad came out of the kitchen. He smiled walking towards her but seeing her happy face, his smile got some life.

And our little bomb, finally saw her Dad. She ran and hugged his legs as she being 4 years old with small height, cant reach near her Dad's shoulder, but her dad can definitely lift her, so she can reach his height. So Dad carried her little princess in his arms and the baby started blabbering, the praisings given by her teacher.

"Dadaaa, you know; my mam told that, I am a brilant (brilliant) student!," she completed and waited for her dad to say something for her as being a child she wants love and attention always.

So her dad just kissed her cheeks, giving her some tickling feels so she giggled hiding her face in her dad's neck.

"My princess is brilliant just like her mom," her dad praised her as well as her mom because her dad misses her mom a lot as his love for her never decreased but surely the hate or something else came between their love.

Suddenly one girl came running towards the Father-daughter duo and said, " Sidddd, I got to know the truth!"

And Mr. Dad just turned around with his little princess in his arms, hearing his name called out by his bff!

"Siddd, I got it," queenie said while catching his shoulder as a support to stand and catch her breathe.

"Will talk in study room, go and wait for me as I have to feed her food," Mr. Dad uff The Mafia King said this in a serious voice and left from their along with his princess.

"Hey waitttt, let mee meet her yaar!," Queenie said while again running to reach him.

"Missyyyyyy, dadaaa; missyyy cameee!!," our little bomb shouted seeing her fav person.

Mr. Dad just kept her on floor and she ran towards her missy, who came on her knees opening her arms. She hugged her and didnt left her missy. Mr. Dad who is seeing all this just smiled nodding his head in disbelief.

Mr. Dad: And the Drama beings!

He said this and sat on the couch, just to see one over dramatic daily seen of Missy and Bunny!

"I missed you, missy! Why you didnt came in morning to drop me to school?"  Little drama queen asked her missy and her missy said

Missy: I missed you too my bunnyyyy! And I am soooo sorryyyy for not coming in morning, but you know it was your dad's fault because he told me to handle morning meeting.

Missy said this and pouted at the end, our little bomb looked at her dad who just rolled his eyes on her missy's reason

Little bomb: Dadaaaa, sooo bad! You should have handle the meeting because missy is booked for me in morning always!

Bunny said this and hugged her missy. Missy hugged her back and stick her tongue out at Mr. Dad.

Mr. Dad saw this and rolled his eyes on their drama.

Mr. Dad: Emma lets go and have your lunch!

Mr. Dad said while ending their daily drama. He went near them but our little bomb uff Emma said

Emma: Missy will feed me todayyyy!

She shouted in excitement and ran from their kissing her Missy's cheek.

Sid just nodded his head in disbelief, seeing his little drama queen.

Missy stood up, I mean Queenie stood up and said

Queenie: Hey, you just relax dude! As I am gonna handle her right now, so you just go and check this file!

She said this and hand over one file to sid and left from their.

Sid went in his room and sat on his bed, opening the file. He first saw the pic which was on top, and tears came out of his eyes because the pic once again broke his shattered heart.

Sid: And today we completed 2 years of break up, but still my love for you never decreased, but the pain you gave me surely increased which is eating me from inside! You never thought about our little angel. She always miss you but you never miss her. (And his eyes just dropped some tears) She is your daughter too, atleast for her come back with us! (And he controlled his sobs by drinking some water, wiping his tears from cheeks he continued) Don't come but remember one thing that, I am always their for you; whenever you need me because I loved you truely by my whole heart. (And he just closed the file, keeping it in the side table)

He stood up and went in washroom to wash his face, after washing his face; he came out and went in closet to take something.

Pulling one drawer, he took out one small box and opened it.

Sid: She will love this!

He smiled looking at one pendant, which he had bought for his little princess, today!

He closed the box and went put of the closet, to give this pendant to his little princess!

But his life is surely a trouble inventor  so he heard one gun shot from downstairs which stopped his heartbeat for a second, he ran downstairs and found Queenie on the ground while blood coming out from her stomach and his little princess is no where to be found.


End of Chapter

First of all welcome to this Journey of Mafia Love story but,
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Meeting you in next chapter but before leaving just vote and comment which means a lot to a writer!

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