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Y/n's pov

I sat in an alleyway, hiding myself from a swarm of policemen that caught me burning a guy for pushing me earlier. I peaked around the corner, seeing that they had passed me, thinking that I had gone the other way. I wasn't gonna stick around any longer for them to catch up to me. Just as I was walking the opposite way, I bumped into a stranger. I nearly fell, but I caught myself just in time. I looked up so see a male with black hair and turquoise eyes.
"Damn, excuse you," I scoffed, brushing passed him. I could feel his eyes piercing holes in the back of my head as I walked off. I ignored it and kept walking.



I knew that sicko was following me. He didn't even bother to hide the fact that he was. I pretended not to notice for a while, but now it's bothering me like hell.
I ran around a corner and into a small corner store. I walked quickly to the back of the store, waiting for him to walk in behind me. But he didn't.
"Must've lost em" I mumbled under my breath. I let out a victorious chuckle, walking around the isles to find something to eat. I got a bunch of chocolate flavored snacks, taking them to the counter for the cashier to bag up. They sat the bag on the counter, I grabbed it and started walking out the store until they stopped me.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" They crossed their arms, looking at me with a look of disbelief.

"No. Are you missing something?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"You do have to pay. You theif, unless you want me to call the cops" I blinked twice. Was that a threat? I walked up to the person, placing my hand flat on the counter and igniting flames from the palm of my hand. The cashier jumped back and shrieked.

"Shut up." I said, picking up my hand, aiming it towards them. They instantly froze from fear. I motioned for them to come closer with my hand, which they did. I put my hand on their chest, setting their clothing and body on fire.
After that, I walked out the store, listening as their crys of agony faded the further I walked away from the burning mess.



I found a way up to a rooftop, where I sat and ate my snacks. I kicked my feet back and fourth, staring off into the distance. I was so distracted by the scenery, I didn't even hear the footsteps of someone coming up behind me.

"Hey kid" the voice was raspy and dry. I turned my head to see the it was the same guy from earlier. Damnit I thought I lost em for good.

"How'd you find me so fast?" I stuffed more of the food in my mouth, eyeing the man.

"You're walking around in a torn up white dress. Don't you think that's out of the norm?" he answered. "Was that you that burned the corner store?"

I looked him up and down. Ain't no way in hell he's working for the cops. It wouldn't matter if I told him or not.
"Probably" I shrugged my shoulders, putting the trash inside of the plastic bag then burning it in the palm of my hand. I blew the ashes in the strangers face, snickering at his reaction.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance, stepping closer to me until we were about an arms length away. "How bout you come work alongside us? Your quirk can be put to good use"

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