Rules and Regulations For Participants

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Don't suppose we can't put this off any longer. Without further ado, let's get into the participant rules of The Buffy Awards 2021!

1. As soon as you register, you MUST inform us if there are any changes with your username, book title, or even chapter count. Please do NOT unpublish or delete your book once you've filled in the registration form. We cannot stress how important this is!

2. All participants are allowed to submit a maximum of two books per person, in different genres. One form PER BOOK. If you wish to submit 2 books, you must fill in 2 separate forms.

3. All participants must follow TheBuffyCommunity for the whole duration of the competition and give this awards book a shout-out on your message board along with the link. We will be checking if you have followed these rules before accepting your form.

4. All participants must follow their judges.

5. All stories must be in English and have a minimum of 4 chapters. Prologues and Epilogues are counted as chapters, while Character Introductions and About The Author sections are not.

6. [UPDATE] Collaborations and short stories are, unfortunately, not accepted. Collabs mean if 2 people are simultaneously updating the story. If someone is giving you ideas/helping you edit your book but you are the only author of the book, it is not considered a collaboration.

7. Mature and LGBTQ+ is accepted, so long as we have judges who are okay to judge it.

8. Fill in the registration form correctly according to the format and at the designated place, otherwise it will be ignored.

9. Lastly, bribery will not be tolerated in this awards. If we find out you have bribed your judge, you will be disqualified.

10. [UPDATE] You can be a participant and a judge, but you can't judge the genre that you are participating in and vice versa.

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