A slice of apple pie

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Warnings: ✨none✨

Felix's pov:
~A few hours later~
I open my eyes, staring up at a ceiling that didn't look at all familiar. I slowly adjust my eyes to the dimly lit room, turning my head to the side to see where I was.


'Nope, I have no idea where I am'. I thought slowly lifting myself off the bed.
The room looked quite cosy, my hands tracing over the warm fluffy blankets that surround me. Different art pieces and colourful posters cover the grey painted walls, cheering up the room a bit. And a hint of peppermint scent drifts about the room. As I continue to look around I am sudden met with a pair of eyes staring at me from the bedroom door.

"Oh, your awake"

Y/N Pov:

I panted heavily after dumping Felix onto my bed. It'd probably be best to leave him like that because he'd be to hot to be under the blankets (if you know what I mean😏). I sit at the end of the bed gently easing into it to catch my breath, taking off my shoes and sliding them under my bed. I look up at Felix, watching his chest rise and fall every now and then.

'He seems quite peaceful, but hes sweating quite a lot...' I think to myself.

I stand up from the bed and stretch my arms out wide, leaving the room and heading to the kitchen. On the way there I grab a face cloth and damp it with cold water in the kitchen sink. I ring it out then walk back to the bedroom, looking back up at Felix who was sitting up and looking around the room.

"Oh, your awake!" I say entering the room quietly with the wet towel in my hand.

He stares at me quietly, like a predictor about to pounce on their prey. I walk up to him and kneel down beside the bed, "Are you feeling any better?" I ask, placing my hand back on his head to check his temperature.

"Where am I?" He muttered out, coughing a bit to clear his throat.

The smell of alcohol fills my nostrils, 'Thats probably why he was sick...'
I place the cloth on his forehead and he eases back into the bed, taking a deep breath.

"You're at my house, you passed out in the parking lot". I say calmly, resting my hand on his cheek.

He lets out a painful sigh, breaking eye contact and staring forward. "I'm a mess," He mumbled, "I am so sorry, Y/N. I just had a bit to much to drink today...".

'He remembers me. Thats a good sign'

I stare at him for a moment then smile softly.

"There's no need to be sorry, Mr.Kranken. Sometimes we can get a bit too tipsy" I giggle softly.

He blushed, his eyes slowly making there way back to mine. His eye colour is so beautiful.

"Well, thank you for this..." He gave a half smile, his expression becoming both cheerful and nervous.

"Its really no problem, Mr.Kranken. Would you like anything to drink? Or maybe some food?" I ask.

"Water would be nice, thanks" he replied, lifting himself back up again.

He attempted to get up out of bed, but unfortunately his legs giving out on him making him fall flat on the floor.

"Ouch-" he said, chuckling a little bit as he struggles to lift himself back up.

I rush down to help him, "How about I go grab it for you?" I smiled up at him bringing him back to the bed.

"Yes please.." He said shyly, flustered from the fall.

I made my way to the door then looked back at him,"I'll be right back".

As I walk into the kitchen, my nose is met with a familiar aroma. The apple pie! I look down at the oven, opening the door instantly feeling the warmth hit my face from the oven. I gently tap on top of the pie, its still warm. I stand and grab a pair of oven mitts, pulling the apple pie out of the oven and placing it onto a wooden chopping board that layed on the bench. I admire it once again, it looked alright for a first attempt. I grab a plate and slice a piece of the pie, laying it down on the plate. I didn't have time to grab any ice-cream, but it doesn't really matter.
'I should get some for Felix' I thought to myself putting the plate on the bench to fill up a glass of water for Felix.

I walk back into the bedroom with the water and a plate of apple pie. He looks at me with a confused look, sitting up a little to see what was on the plate.
"I thought you'd be hungry". I say smiling down at him, taking a seat on the bed next to him.
I grab the fork and take a small portion of the pie onto it, blowing on it softly to cool it down. He blushes, licking his lips slowly as I bring the fork up to his mouth. He opens it, taking the pie in and pulling it off the fork chewing it in thought. He stops and sighs in pure bliss, "This is amazing" he said mouth half full of pie.

I smile happily, putting more on the fork. He swallows it and then looks at me. "Aren't you gonna have any?" He asked.

"Well, I wasn't gonna have any until you finished" I reply.

He takes the fork from my hand gently, putting some apple onto it as he brings it up to my mouth. I blush and look back at him, "You should have some" he says waiting for me to open my mouth.

I do just that, tasting the pie. It was amazing. I chew happily, swallowing it soon after.
"I never thought it would be this good" I giggled.

He continues to stare at me, his eyes slowly moving down to my lips.
"What do you think?" I say, smiling up at him.

"It...it was great" he says, leaning in towards me.
My face warms up as he was inches away from me. We look into each others eyes, moving closer...and closer....until our lips closed together in a kiss.

~1061 words~

This is to make up for the late chapters, the next one might be smut just to warn y'all. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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