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DISCLAIMER: Still no legal claim to Arrow! 


Several months after the attempted robbery at QC... 

Lance had been sitting in his car for over an hour watching Verdant. This wasn't an official police stakeout but was, instead, personal. It was time that he visit "Team Arrow in their cave" at least that's what Sara had told him in those exact words. He was glad that he was able to communicate with his daughter and he knew he owed that to Felicity which explained in part why he came. Felicity's phones and programs allowed Sara and him to feel they could safely communicate without endangering either of their lives. He now knew his daughter was alive and as well as could expected as she continued to use her special skill set as she saw fit. Sara had even come back to Starling City and met him in person...Lance had only found out later that "Team Arrow" had provided back-up for her and that was the only reason she had come. He really owed Felicity and with that thought he got out of the car and paused. 

Lance had only taken a few steps when he stopped as he realized he hadn't really spoken to Oliver Queen since the attempted robbery. He had chosen to maintain contact with Felicity - well, she chose as she was the one who always checked in on him.  Just as she does with Sara, Lance thought and couldn't help the smile as the blonde was quite good at waiting him out as he now stood just across the street from her. 

Sara had actually warned him with a smile that Felicity was tenacious. It was rare to see Sara smile anymore and that gave Lance another reason to be grateful to Felicity. Sara called Felicity "Oliver's light" and he knew she was a little jealous of that. Not jealous that Oliver was doing well, it still surprised Lance but Sara seemed to understand and accept Oliver Queen as he was without concern for their past...or because of it? Regardless, she had forgiven him but not herself. 

With greater contact with his daughter Lance had realized the truth of Felicity's words that the island didn't define them but that they still struggled with who they were. In later conversations with Felicity she had enlarged upon that to say that neither seemed to believe they deserved anything good in their lives and anyone who wanted to be a part of their lives would have to fight for that. 

Lance was willing to fight to have Sara in his life but it was just coming to realize that she could very well bring the others in with her and that worried him as well which was another reason he came tonight. His concern was not just for Sara but for Laurel who continued to face her own struggles and continued down a dangerous path of her own. She still sought contact with the Vigilante and blew off his warnings - Lance knew he had to trust Oliver to be the one who kept his distance. 

I can't protect either of them but instead I count on a man I have hated for years...he protects them both while I've only hurt them.  

Lance couldn't help but wonder about his part in both of his daughters' struggles; however, Felicity had also spoken on that too. There's not a lot that Felicity doesn't speak on though, Lance thought with affection for the girl. Felicity told him that she was glad he was no longer actively seeking to blame Oliver Queen for the past but then continued to say that he couldn't blame himself either. 

That was much harder even than accepting Oliver Queen as a good man - Felicity's and Sara's loyalty to him even when silent was pretty convincing. Diggle was right that Oliver himself never fought that battle but only now did Lance accept that the man still simply believed all blame and responsibility were his despite Felicity pushing him away from the past and into the present and possibly a future. 

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