Trail of Ares

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*Xylo's pov*

He's here, I'm not complaining but still I'm surprised, I was sure he wouldn't show up. I took a deep breath as I looked at Bryan, he was far across the stadium and all of us were gathered in.

Kay came in and announced the trial and everyone came up to the top area of the arena. The first group went in and fought but as much as I would usually watch the fight I was approached by Kay.

"I still don't understand why you want to help him Xylo." Kay said

"Who? Bryan?"I asked

"Yes him after everything, all the chaos he caused and the hurt he's caused this camp last year." Kay said trying not to raise her voice to much because we were still close to people.

"Kay he's had a lot of time to think about this actions he's got help to help him go the right way instead of the wrong way. He's changed and I'm giving him a chance to prove that he's changed." I said staring Kay in the eyes to make sure she understood.

".... I hope you not making a mistakes here Xylo." She said before leaving.

I sighed looking back at the match and realized that the next fight was the one Bryan was in.

Alright let's see what you got.

*Bryan's pov*

I'm so nervous. Sure I was here for last year's trail but still that was when I was corrupted by the Seductive Rose. Inpu also was in the stadium with Nad and Lychee.

I took a deep breath as I walked over and grabbed the weapon of my choice and walked to where I was supposed to stand. I looked at the other and there weapon of choice but for some reason I felt this weird confidence.

The match started and Lychee went after Nad and before I knew it I saw Inpu running to me. So I got ready and blocked it attack pushing him back before swinging at him. He blocked and we went back and forth at each other.

I saw Lychee coming after me so in a quick movement I dropped down spreading my legs apart and swiftly moved swinging upwards hitting Inpu but Lychee hit me.

Lychee then went back to Nad and I fought Inpu again. My body it also just felt like it was moving on its own. It moved and our weapons clashed together before I felt this urge to just swing faster so I did.

Adrenaline rushed into my veins as I moved quicker, Hitting Inpu quite a few time before finally knocking him out. I smiled as adrenaline rushed even more, I want to beat them.

Kill them.

I looked over at Lychee and Nad and ran straight over to them coming in so swiftly I caught Nad off guard and hit him but Lychee knocked me back. I stood straight and smiled at them.

This is going to be fun.

*Inpu's pov*

What was that? His eyes, they just changed just like that. His smile that wasn't the nice smile you would see from someone like but it sent so many chills down my back.

For me when he made that final blow it was like I was stareing right at someone who had the full intension of killing. I looked back at the match and saw that Nad and Lychee were fighting Bryan in a two vs one battle but that soon turned into a one on one battle when Bryan striked Nad.

Lychee backed up and held his weapon in front of him and Bryan stood straight and I looked at this eyes but I couldn't see them too well. Bryan ran forward and the fight was just a clash of blades and lots of dodging. However Lychee ended the fight by beating Bryan.

I heard the cheers as Lychee became victorious and he left the stadium so the the next group could come in and do their match. I turned and saw Bryan poof back onto the stadiums overview and I saw panic in his eyes. Completely different then when he was in the stadium.

I went over to speak to him but before I got to him he ran off he ran down the stairs and I would have followed him but I looked over to see a couple of eyes.

"Is he ok?" Cal asked

"He'll be fine just give him space." I said walking over to them but Magnus pulled me aside.

"Inpy his eyes were green. They weren't brown, they were green." Magnus said

"What do you mean?" I looked over and saw Xylo.

"The moment he came back to the upper stadium his eyes changed from green to brown." Magnus said

"He also struck with the look of someone who wants to kill." I said

"Green eyes... intension to kill doesn't want to be around-...SR." Xylo said

"What?" I asked

"SR. A sword that Corrupted Bryan last year. It must still be haunting him in some way." Xylo said

"Corrupted Bryan." I said

"Ya I'm sure you may have her stories from him already, but if it is the SR... I'll have to speak to Kay and Mario. We need to get rid of it and make sure it never comes to be." Xylo said before he ran off.

"Xylo-...he's gone." I said looking at Magnus.

"Well we have more answers now." I said

Magnus nodded and we went back to watching the matches. Xylo acted weird during one of them but he came out as the winner of the fights.

At the end of it all me and Magnus went back to the pyramid with Cal and  Ricarro.

The last thing that ran through my mind was, is Bryan going to be ok?

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