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Fuck this

I don't care about my stupid, dead parents or my asshole of an aunt or my ex-girlfriend or those lying piles of shit that used to be my friends

No goddamn way was I ever going to forgive them

"Lisa? I can see that you're getting a little stressed there and that's alright. What was it that provoked this response and why?"

"Nothing" I grumbled, glared, and gritted. My arms snuggled tightly against my chest, my back sunk deeper into the cushion of the couch, and a rush of heat threatened to combust as this all-too-familiar feeling boiled up inside. "It's nothing"

"Would you like to talk about it?" Her brown eyes stood steady and calm and all I wanted to do was strangle her. Instead, I snorted and looked away. "It's okay if you don't want to, but I want to know why the topic concerning your past relationships--either friends or a partner--seems to upset you"

Because it's stupid

But I didn't have to say anything if I didn't want to. So I didn't

"We could wait, if that helps"

Her hands laid on top of each other as she waited for me to come down from my fit because I couldn't handle some stupid words

I stood up slowly from the overly comfy couch and roamed around the room. I counted my steps, I took deep breaths, and I tried my damn best to relax

My gosh, shut the fuck up

Huffing in and out of my frustration, I walked back to the couch and sat back down. I may have thought about Jennie when she said that but I'd rather not delve into that

"Better?" She asked with that dumb smile of hers


The brown woman hummed and took out a pen to tap on her clipboard. She'd always tapped on her damn clipboard. "See? That's what I call 'Progress'. Admitting what you feel"

The number of times I've scoffed at her for saying some stupid shit like that was innumerable. "When do I get out of here?"

She checked her watch. "In about...fifteen minutes, which is plenty of time for the both of us" her legs crossed together in an aggravating way and she clasped her hands together. "I know a lot had happened in your life--traumatic experiences, having to face sudden changes, and dealing with individuals who you think don't understand you. Not being able to control what happens in life can be frustrating" there was a brief pause. "But what you can control is how you react to them. And even then, that could be a little hard to maintain, too"

I rolled my eyes. "So what? Are you going to tell me that my parents killing themselves and my aunt being a neglectful bitch are the source of my issues? That they're the reason why I push people away and act out now and then? Well, guess what? I already knew that and I'm perfectly content with being like this for the rest of my life"

She nodded her head as though she understood exactly what I was saying, which I'm sure she didn't. "It's normal to feel upset about those things and it's normal to push people away when you're afraid of what would happen if you let them in. But why do you feel like that's okay to do and keep doing?"

Because I deserve it

"Because I'm a teen going through teen angst. Don't worry about it, though. It's just a phase. I'll get over it"

Again, she just nodded her head. "I'm not your enemy, Lisa. I want you to understand that"

"You told me that last week"

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