The horrific nightmare

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I walked over to mama Sora since we have been working on controlling my powers for at least 4 hours now. She was sitting on the ground in pretzel form so I crawled onto her lap and curled up and got comfortable and just laid on her lap. She moved my h/c hair out of my eyes and said is someone getting tired. I yawned which answered her question. She got up while holding me and said come on you two let's get back to the shrine I think someone is tired. They followed me and Mama Sora and we arrived at the shrine and she told mommy Senko that she can get started on chores. I got y/n for now since he is getting tired. Senko said ok lady Sora and got started on doing chores. Mama Sora carried me over to her couch and she sat on it and she set me on her stomach. I instantly got more comfortable and she was watching me being cute. I laid my head on her breasts and she rubbed my ears gently which I purred lightly. She was enjoying my cuteness. I was a bit cold so I imagined the warmth of a campfire and stopped shivering. Mama Sora was enjoying the warmth radiating off my body. She just rubbed my ears a bit more and I purred a bit louder and I rubbed my head against her breasts and she chuckled and I looked at her tiredly and she said it's nothing sweetie just get some sleep ok. I nodded and my eyes closed and I went to sleep.

Sora POV
He's extremely cute when he does that, he had some fun and I guess it wore him out. Senko said he really enjoyed cooking with her so that's something he enjoys doing. I guess we can fit both in one day get chores done around the shrine also if we wear him out a bit. I mean he's sleeping while purring so that's good, I think if he helps one of us out while doing chores he will be extremely happy that he gets to do something but our job is to pamper him. But he's still very young compared to us. But I can't help stress about the fact that we missed his birthday and it is always meant to be celebrated since it means the person is another year older. It's kind of bothering me to the point where I want to celebrate his birthday but it's like as he never had a birthday. I know it's important to celebrate and as a Demigod I'm responsible for these types of things since I'm supposed to take away the negatively from a person and replace it with happiness. But from looking at y/n sleeping I don't see any negativity just a spec here and there but that'll need to deal with but should be easy. I'm just guessing he still thinks that we prefer work over him or maybe he wished his birthday got celebrated. I could only wonder. He seems extremely calm right now. I jumped in surprise because a huge wave of negatively just appeared out of nowhere. He was sobbing quietly and he was murmuring to himself. I listened to it a bit closer and he said d-dont hurt m-ma-mama, m-m-mommy, and m-m-m-mother I-I-I-I don't w-want t-t-to b-b-be l-l-lonely a-a-again. I think he was having a nightmare I can tell by that huge spike of negativity. I picked him up and brought him closer to me. It's sad that he has nightmares still. I shook him lightly and he started to wake up sobbing quietly. When he opened his eyes completely he instantly wrapped me in a very tight hug and he was sobbing uncontrollably. He said m-mama I-I-I h-had a ni-night-nightmare I-it's s-s-s-scary. He was clinging to me very tightly that I believe if he lets go of me I might get hurt. I said it's alright sweetie mama's here. Your gonna be ok. You were just having a nightmare just calm down a bit for me ok sweetie. He was still sobbing. I said to him in a motherly voice can you do your mama a favor and calm down and tell me what happened. He was unable to be counciled right now. He was too afraid of the dream. All I could do is hug and cuddle him and at least try to make him feel a bit safer right now. I called my student over. Senko came over and seen all the negativity radiating off of him. She said what happened to him he looks beyond terrified. I told her that he had a terrible nightmare about us getting hurt or killed I have no idea because he can't calm down enough to talk to me. She said can you just use your Fox magic on him. I said I know I can but I want him to be able to calm down normally. I mean I could look into his nightmare if I really want to which I don't really want to do but I might need to if it calms him down a bit and I want to know exactly what's happening in his dream but I don't think he will be calm enough to actually let me use my magic. Senko can you get me a blanket or something to at least let him know he's not dreaming but I need him to fall asleep but I don't want to force it on him. Senko ran off and came back with a blanket and a small teddy bear and handed it to me. I handed the teddy bear to y/n and he grabbed it and kept clinging onto me afraid to let me go. I had to use magic  on him. I took a breath and blew some smoke in his face to at least calm him down temporarily and make him fall asleep. It took a minute to take effect and he fell asleep I then poked him in the forehead with my pipe and when I blinked I was somewhere completely different I looked around it looked likes a forest. I heard a scream and I ran to the source of the noise because it sounded like Shino but I knew it wasn't so I kept hidden and just kept a look out. What I seen was disturbing. It looked like a werewolf or something straight out of a horror film. The beast was punching Shino and it was making my blood boil. I looked a little further out and it was Senko being violated in the worst way possible. I snuck past them and I seen that I was being abused and I heard a gunfire and I noticed I got a bullet in the head. I understand why y/n was extremely scared out of his mind. I kept hidden and I noticed that my sweetie was on the ground bleeding and had a broken leg. He kept saying to those beasts to stop hurting us and him. He was barely hanging by a thread and he picked himself up and charged at the beast that was violating Senko and she was begging the beast to stop. The beast just picked him up and threw him through the air and he went through 4 trees and he was crying. Begging for them to stop. I snuck closer to where he was at and I walked in front of him and examined his bruises. It was as if he didn't know I was there. I touched a 6 inch cut and he squealed in pain. He can't see me but if I touch him he can react still. He was begging for mercy. He got back up and charged again at the beast just for him to stop him by using an appendage of unknown material an origin. It was starting to thunderstorm extremely bad and a couple trees caught on fire and he got up holding the massive gash and picked up a decent sized rock and walk slowly but also limping over to the beast and through the rock with all his strength and it hit the beast in his eye and the beast let out a horrific screech and multiple footsteps were approaching where that beast was. Senko was screaming and y/n powers wasn't working at all. Three beasts pinned y/n to the ground but he was trying to fight as much as he can to get back up and protect Senko and Shino. The three beasts was tearing into his skin and he was begging for the pain to disappear and for Shino and Senko to survive. The beast that was beating up Shino came over to where y/n was and tore her tail off and she screamed loudly and then the beast that was violating Senko tore her limb from limb and the beast came over to y/n and said it's your fault that they died without their prince and shining armor and you shall suffer the same fate as they did but 100x worse. The forest was fading away and it went dark and I woke up. Y/n was shaking terribly and Senko said you look like you just went to the underworld. I told her to go get Shino and she ran off and grabbed Shino and returned and I explained exactly what happened in the nightmare. They were shocked at the nightmare that y/n happened and they understood why the dream was so terribly frightening to y/n and at such a young age also. I woke up y/n and he was shaking again but worse then last time he was awake. He kept saying it was my fault I couldn't save you. I kept rubbing his back and telling him it's all right and your ok. Senko and Shino also joined in on helping me try to reassure y/n. It took about five hours for him to calm down a bit. He was just laying on my chest whimpering quietly. I was rubbing the back of his head softly and leaving little kisses on his forehead. He said in a soft voice to me can I sleep with you tonight mama Sora I'm scared I'll have those nightmares again. I said of course you can as well as your mommy Senko and mother Shino sweetie. He said can I have more cuddles. I said sure and invited my students to join on cuddling y/n. But the couch was a bit crowded so I said let's go over to the bed you guys. They nodded and I carried y/n over to the bed and I sat down with him and the other two joined in on the hug and y/n was still afraid I can tell. I snapped my fingers and mine as well as the other two clothes disappeared and they quickly covered themselves up and I said that all our body warmth should take away some of the negativity because he's afraid of what happened in that nightmare he had. He just looked at all three of us as if he has never seen us naked before. He was a bit shy because he hid his face in my cleavage I could tell he was as red as a tomato. I told him to not be afraid we're just pampering you sweetie. His tails were swaying slowly which I could tell he was getting a bit happier but it's gonna take a second for him to be extremely calm and relaxed for a second or two. Then he closed his eyes snuggled closer to us then fell asleep

Senko, Shino, sora x male neglect abused neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now