Miniture Chef

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Y/n pov
I kept quiet in the hot spring listening to what they were talking about. I can tell they were being hit by the realization. I could sense the negativity from all three of then and for some odd reason I felt terrible for upsetting them but I wasn't happy with the babying. I understand they are overprotective of me but there is such thing as too much. I mean yeah I remember Mama Sora that I'm lucky because typically demigod or goddesses don't take interest in people or any living thing very often. It doesn't sit right with me that I they typically guess or use magic to find out what's bothering me. They only know some of the Explanation on why I'm upset but I rather talk to them about it. I quickly finished bathing and everything and I decided to wear the first ever outfit they gave me so I picked up the clothes I made and tossed them aside and conjured the outfit they gave me when I first arrived and I opened the door and they weren't there.

I walked over to where Mama Sora was and she was doing her own thing. I walked in front of her and waited till she acknowledged my appearance. She looked up from her book and I was fidgeting with my fingers looking away and I was obviously troubled and I said in a quiet voice "Mama Sora...umm can we sit down and talk please...something has been troubling me?" She put her book down and patted the open seat next to her. Which I got onto the couch and sat down. She asked me what was bothering me. I said "Do you think I can start helping around the shrine?" She asked me why did I want to help out. I said "Mama Sora the reason I want to help out because I honestly feel useless and just a burden. I understand why you don't want me to help out because I'm basically yours, Mommy Senko's and Mother Shino's child and don't want me to worry about anything. But by doing that it hurts me in the deepest part of my soul because I want to be treated like a normal person and not some prophecy child. It makes me sad and angry because I'm being treated differently. Mama Sora I'm not saying that I don't like you pampering me but if I can help out with a couple chores here and there and help you guys out. I won't feel like such a burden. I'm sorry for keeping it from you but I couldn't find the right time to talk to you about it."

She pulled me onto her lap and she moved my bangs out of my face and said "Thank you honey for being a big boy and coming to talk to me. I didn't take in account of your feelings honey. I'm sorry if you felt like that and I was too naive to realize that your still a person with feelings. I'll start treating you better honey. I believe I can find something for you to do to help out around here. Can I get a hug honey?" I nodded and I turned a bit and hugged her while laying my head over her heart. We kept hugging for about 5-10 minutes. I separated the hug and my stomach growled a bit and she called Senko over and she came over and Mama Sora asked her to make me something to eat. She seen me and shouted towards the kitchen "Senko Y/n is gonna help you." I was overjoyed and she waved me on and I got up and ran towards the kitchen excitedly.

Sora pov
He must've been dying to help. I don't ever think I seen someone so excited to help do chores. I smiled and opened up my book and read it. I heard the small rapid footsteps of Y/n dashing around the kitchen. I'm glad he was able to find something to keep him occupied.

Senko pov
Y/n dear can you grab the rice from the pantry. He excitedly ran over to the pantry and opened it and he grabbed it with both of his hands and ran over and held it up to me as if he was extremely happy and impatient to give me a gift. He had a wide toothy grin. He was extremely antsy and awaiting for me to give him the next task. I used some magic and brought over a step stool. I picked him up and put him on the step stool I gently cupped my hand over his and I guided him on how to make my Homemade Sanpeijiru Soup. I took it step by step with him. Once he got a hang of it I asked him to keep mixing the rice. He nodded and he kept mixing the rice. I grabbed some salmon and started to peel back the skin. y/n seemed intrigued by my technique. He got down from the stool. I used magic to keep the rice from sticking together.

Senko, Shino, sora x male neglect abused neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now