"First Day"

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Summer break had ended, the fun times where students would go swimming and hang out were over. It was Boyfriend's first year in college. Boyfriend was a cyan hair boy who had a job at the Garage in town. He was an engineering boy. He had his own apartment so he didn't have to move into a dorm.

Boyfriend walked over to the college since it wasn't that far. He saw the grand building before him, seeing the crowd of students around. He passed through them and walked through the doors, revealing a big open hallway. He took his first step and analyzed the room.

The boy walked through the large hallway, trying to avoid others. His first class was Mr. Roberts so he went up to the second floor. He stepped into the classroom to find a few random kids in there.

Boyfriend took a seat at a desk in the middle of the room. He played with his hands until class began. Several of students came in and took seats in the class, until one in particular came in.

There stood a beautiful auburn hair girl. She wore a red sleeve shirt, black shorts, and tennis shoes.

Boyfriend felt as if he had been lovestruck, looking at the beautiful girl

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Boyfriend felt as if he had been lovestruck, looking at the beautiful girl. What made him more struck is when she sat beside him. Boyfriend felt his face warm.

The bell rung and class had begun.

"Ok everyone my name is Mr. Roberts and welcome to your first college course, before we begin I'm going to take attendance," the teacher told the students.

"Boyfriend," Mr. Roberts called.

Boyfriend raised his hand.

"You know instead of raising your hand, you could just say here," said the voice of an anthropomorphic cat who sat in the back of the class.

Boyfriend looked back at him and gave him a look.

"What's that look for? Trying to give you a tip," the cat said once more.

Boyfriend looked away from him and glanced over at Girlfriend who was looking at him.

"Beep!" He cried in embarrassment.

The whole room got silent and stared at Boyfriend. Girlfriend thought it was cute.

"This man said beep," the cat laughed.
"Man go back to elementary school if you can't talk properly,"

Boyfriend growled and turned back to Kapi.

"Sked bop bep skep boop beep," Boyfriend snarled.

"Damn boh he just spit fire," said the friend of the cat.

"No he didn't, he beeped," the cat replied.

Girlfriend thought it was a cute noise. When he turned to her, she gave him a smile and started writing.

"Ok you boys enough, I've been informed that Boyfriend grew up with communication problems and can't speak properly, so we'll just work with him," Mr. Roberts spoke.

Girlfriend looked at Boyfriend who was looking the other way upset.

Girlfriend felt awful about Boyfriend's situation and glanced back at the cat in back for a second.

"Girlfriend," said Mr. Roberts.

Girlfriend raised her hand as Boyfriend took a glance at her. She just shrugged and smiled.

Boyfriend also smiled and was prepared for class.

Their first assignment was to sign up for classes. Boyfriend took engineering, study hall, and music.

Girlfriend took social class, study hall, and music.

Boyfriend handed in his paper. Once everyone turned their papers in, they filled out medical sheets and accepting rule papers. Girlfriend would occasionally glance at Boyfriend, she couldn't understand why but she found him attractive, even from just meeting.

While Mr. Roberts explained class rules, Boyfriend drew in his notebook, making a sketch of Girlfriend. He would glance at her and then draw some more.

After explaining more, they had their last assignment for the day. It was just a simple paper to test their knowledge. Boyfriend and Girlfriend pretty much knew alot of the answers were. They helped each other on a few of them.

The bell had rung but the students remained still.

"For today, you will all head to math and then the gym, tomorrow you will go to the classes you signed up for, good day students," Mr. Roberts nodded.

The students left the room and headed for math. Girlfriend would talk to Boyfriend even though he mostly just listened. He listened to her, mostly blushing. They got to math and were introduced to Ms. Ravens.

Boyfriend was proud he was in college since he had met Girlfriend and it would only get better from there.

This is a new AU I'm writing. The other story is not over, I just had this idea. Anyways hope you enjoy. Please leave your support down below and thank you for reading!

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