part 2

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They sat in the car and Sapna started driving. It was a bright morning. Aditya was excited for the camp.
As cunning Kabir was he started complementing aditya about how lucky he was to be selected for the camp
and he should feel proud about himself and that it is indeed a opportunity of a lifetime and that he
(Kabir) wished that he himself should have got an opportunity like this. Sapna concentrated on driving and was not much concerned about what
the boys were discussing. they reached the school around 7 am . Many boys were present along with there parents.
aditya was excited to meet his friends while Kabir ran his eyes around every lady present there to spot beautiful navels and waist.
Mostly kabir was met with disappointment , as it was a city most ladies were modern and wore either salwar suit or top nad jeans.
Suddenly Kabir saw the class teacher she was dressed in saree as it was the compulsory uniform of the school. and though her bare skin wasnt
visible the navel was visible over the saree. watching that deep t shaped navel of the teacher aroused kabir. But he wasnt able to do
anything as it was a school and there were many people present.
Kabir and sapna bid farewelled aditya . Aditya who was much excited for the trip went straight into the bus . and then Kabir and Sapna sat in the car
Kabir as usual started the chat.
K : So aunty when and how did you learned driving.
S: well aditya's dad taught me how to dri.......
K: (Though Sapna continued describing her experieces Kabir was not listening to her. he was so engrossed in the thoughts of that
teacher whose navel he had seen . and he deeply wanted to enjoy a navel. Nown the only navel and waist available to kabir was of
his aunt . but how to convince her aunt to let him enjoy the navel was the question before him.)
S : ......and that is how I learned driving.
(she saw kabir was not listening and was engrossed in his own thoughts.
so she asked
S: Kabir are you there? Are you listening.
K : (got startled and said) yes aunty i was just thinking of something else. anyways you drive too good aunty.
S: thank you beta.
And they reached the home. They both went inside the house.

Sapna started with her daily chores while kabir got engossed in coming up with a idea to enjoy her navel. At around 1 pm Sapna called KAbir \
for the lunch. they both had lunch and kabir as usual started with his small talks.
K : the food is delecious aunty .
s: thank you beta.
K : aunty we are like sin and mom right?
s: yes beta.
K : so i really wanted to tell you something aunty.
s: yes kabir go on.
K : Aunty you look really good in saree and should were it more often.
S : Yes kabir everyone says so ( blushes).
Kabir then started forcing sapna to wear a saree.
Kabir had his own way of convincing everyone.
he said
K : Aunty its hot and sarees are good in summer its traditional wear and you look too prety in sarees you should wear sarees more often
and kabir went on and on . finally he convinced sapna to wear saree.
After lunch she went in her bedroom and returned with a green saree on her.

Kabir was mesmerized to see her in that green saree. though her navel was not visible as she had tied saree above navel but that
milky white folds on her smooth waist were enough to arouse Kabir. He literally ran to hug her.
Sapna was too casual to think that hugging was kabir's way to touch her back and waist. After 2 mins of hugging and touching her back and waist
Kabir told sapna she looked too good.
sapna thanked him. Kabir convinced her to take some photos together . they started taking selfies and again kabir's hand was on her waist
squeezing her folds and enjoying her back. they took many photos . that gave Kabir a very nice chance to touch her waist but the
prize that was her navel was still invisible. Kabir wanted to touch her navel but what to do.

After some time kabir started talking about how sapna looked too good and how soft her skin was.
Kabir was afraid as to how she will react to this comment . but that was the thing about sapna she took compliments boldly and
accepted the fact that god has indeed given her a good body that everyone admired.
now kabir went on how smooth her backn waist and hands are and wished that he could but once touched her again. but alas.
Sapna interrupted and told what?
you are like my son only , you dont need to worry about afterall mom and sons share hugs often you can touch me i am not a actress to be afraid of touching.
K: so can i touch your waist just ince more?
s: ye you can definitely.
this was a green sogn for kabir he want behind her and started touching her waist folds and back he even pinched her waist folds.
s: exclaimed you naughty! but didnt moved so kabir kept on touching her back.
he got so carried away and put out his tongue and just licked her back.
Kabir she shouted.
Kabir .. Kabir.. Kabir..

Kabir woke up though he was disappointed that this was all a dream but he was so happy to have seen such a dream.
and he was hell bent to turn this dream into reality.

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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