My contract fiance - part 4

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(taehyung was getting ready to go to his office he is gonna be the ceo of the kim industry now that's when jungkook comes inside with a bunny smiles looking at taehyung and tae see it and return the smile)

Kook: tae are you ready?
Tae:yeah just need to put the tie then all finished
Kook: oh then faster Yoongi hyung is already ready and eating breakfast do come fast I will wait for you here !

Tae: okok just give me 2 minutes!
(Jungkook nodded while taehyung started to do his tie taehyung was doing his best to make the tae perfect lol but it was just getting failed)

(After 10 minutes jungkook was still looking at taehyung trying his hard to not to brust out taehyung was still trying to make the tie comes properly and it was failing lol)

Kook: you don't know how to put tae on properly right? (Laughing)
(After 10 minutes jungkook was still looking at taehyung trying his hard to not to brust out taehyung was still trying to make the tie comes properly and it was failing lol)

Kook: you don't know how to put tae on properly right? (Laughing)
Tae : gosh why are you laughing at me? What is my fault it's the tie fault that it's not coming properly ok and also you are my boyfriend right so help come come !

Kook: oh really I am your boyfriend? I am your fake boyfriend tae don't forget !
Tae: yeah yeah I know but still that doesn't mean you can't help me you know ! (Pout)

Kook: aish aish come here you big boy I will help you !
(Hearing that taehyung comes to jungkook like a lil puppy while showing his beautiful boxy smiles then jungkook started to do tae tie and taehyung stayed for kook to do it )

(Jungkook was focused on doing the tie and taehyung was busy on wrapping his arms around jungkook waist and he was just looking at jungkook face with his boxy smile)

(All he knows was he was already feeling something for the younger something more than friends or fake boyfriends he smiled at the thought that's when the younger finish doing the tie)

Kook: huh all set ! (Bunny smile) let's go now come
(Saying that jungkook was going to go that's when taehyung grab jungkook by his waist and pull jungkook to him)
Kook : w..what happens taehyung?
Tae: give me some encouragement pls !
Kook: huh what type of engaragment?

Tae: just give me a kiss one my cheak that's enough ! (Innocent smile)
Kook: yeah you pervert stop joking!
(Hearing that taehyung pull jungkook more to his body wrapping his arms around kook waist looking straight into kook eyes making kook a lil nervous)

Tae : who said I am joking ? I really need some encouragement so yeah give me a kiss on my cheaks plss
(Hearing that a pink shade got on kook cheaks he put his hands around taehyung neck and look at tae)

Kook: do you know that you are cheasy?
Tae: I know but give me a kiss now
(Jungkook show his bunny smile and cup taehyung face on his palm and kiss taehyung and one cheak softly as ever and the taehyung show his another check to kook also kiss there too)

Tae: thankuu (boxy smile)
(Taehyung then kiss jungkook forhead softly and hug kook tightly and kook hug back too coz he know the older was a lil nervous and taehyung snuggle into kook neck inhaling the calming sent)

Kook: don't be nervous tae everything will go perfect....... So don't be nervous about anything ok
Tae : I know but I just can't help it I wanna make appa and papa and hyungiee proud of me (pout on kook neck)

Kook: aigooo you are cute taehyung shiii and believe me you will make them proud of you
Tae: yup I will
Kook: yes you will

(Saying that they pull away and look at eachother then kook peck taehyung nose then kook hold tae hands and drag tae to downstairs to eat dinner)

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