Chapter Nine

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Help me.

It was days after I had commanded Sandstorm to kill Greystripe. Now I just lay in an abandoned shed twolegs had not used in a while. Alone. Scourge - my brother - and the rest of BloodClan had left moments ago, searching the twolegplace and more of the forest to claim territory. Sandstorm had gone hunting for food to bring back. Funny, I should have felt something inside of me that wanted to go with her, to make sure she was not going back to the Clans.

Instead, I felt nothing. Nothing but a pit of darkness inside of me, growing larger by each decision I made. The feeing felt like it was swallowing me whole, replacing my thoughts with nothing but fury and revenge. I couldn't get out, even if I'd ever once thought I was making the wrong choice.

Since I'd left the pathetic grasp of TigerClan, it was as if a monster broke out of its captivity. Of course, it has always been there inside my mind, but only commands and orders have escaped. It attached itself to my mind to make me what I had been back in the Clans. Now, the monster broke free, now that I'm not with Tigerstar anymore. I knew because I am that monster. And I could take down anyone I wanted.

"Flameclaw? I'm back." a voice seemed to whisper from the back of my thoughts, and I was snapped back into reality. Turning over to my side, I saw Sandstorm in front of me, holding a few scrawny pieces of prey in her jaws. She lowered her head and dropped them in front of her paws. I could see the hesitation she still had when approaching me. "I.. these were the only prey I could find around here. It is hard finding anything around here. I don't understand how BloodClan manages to live here."

I rolled my eyes, prodding at the scrawny looking squirrel. "BloodClan manages to survive because they are feared, here. Cats give them what they want, and sometimes they return the favor. Though, when we take over the forest territory, we'd have enough prey to feed everyone. Instead of forcing them to eat twoleg rubbish."

Sandstorm managed to meet my eyes, and must've seen the coldness and cruelty in them to even try to shrug away from my vicious gaze. Every day I was basking in my own anger and hate towards the Clans, and now I was almost completely wrapped in the darkness that surrounded me. "You seem angry. Want to talk about it?" Sandstorm suggested.

What was the point? She wasn't a medicine cat. Her role wasn't to give some useless advice only the weak and helpless would actually take in. After all, I can't talk about it. I can't even trust her until she'd killed Graystripe. What was she-

I felt fur on my own fur. Moving away from my thoughts I saw Sandstorm rubbing up against me to try to comfort me. What was she doing? "I don't want to talk about it, Sandstorm." I growled, my fur lifting up. Moving away from her touch, I sat up with unease. The truth was, I haven't felt another cats' fur brushing past me in a long time. The last time I'd felt it was when I was back in the apprentices' den with Greystripe and Sandstorm when we were younger. When we sometimes would huddle up if we were cold, or just were lonely.

Since I was caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't realize that Sandstorm had clawed the ground in frustration to the stubbornness I've been responding with. "Since you became a warrior and a helper to Tigerclaw, you barely talked about what you felt about anything. The lies that you've kept to save your own pelt. Whenever you killed, I could see some regret in your eyes, but then it changed quickly back to anger-"

"Sandstorm." I hissed.

She wouldn't stop. "-when Tigerstar exiled you from TigerClan you kept quiet. You allowed yourself to be exiled without even standing up for the truth. Yes, I know you attacked Tigerstar once Scourge admitted to making a pact with him, but I know that trying to kill Tigerstar isn't the full story-"

"Sandstorm!" I stood up, and unsheathed my claws. Lashing my tail, I got close to the she-cats' face. "When I attacked Tigerstar, that was the full story," I spat. "I was trying to kill him. When he announced that I tried to kill him, tried to kill my own leader, I kept quiet because that was the truth. My plan was to kill him after I'd exposed his dirty secret. To hunt him down when he was exiled and I became leader."

The pale she-cat looked taken aback. "That still doesn't prove how Tigerstar was telling the truth instead of lying. You may have felt like you wanted to kill him, but you didn't injure him badly enough to prove that you tried to kill him," she muttered. "Besides, if you tried to kill him, you would've attacked him again right after you joined up with Scourge. And you would've...spied on him too." she blurted.

Spied on Tigerstar? What did she mean? I noticed a little bit of nervousness in her voice too. Was there something I didn't know? "Sandstorm," I replied coldly. "what are you hiding from me?"

Sandstorm gulped, and sighed. "I promise you can trust me. I'm only telling you this so you are aware of what's probably going to happen since.. Tigerstar was spying on you the day you joined with Scourge in the forest," I opened my mouth, about to say some harsh words, but the she-cat raised her tail to hush me. "Before I joined you, I met a tom called Oscar. He told me that he saw a dark tabby hiding in the bushes listening to you and Scourge talk."

Tigerstar, I thought darkly. It all started to come together, now. Tigerstar wanted to know the plans BloodClan and I had to take down TigerClan and claim the forest as territory. He was spying so he could know what Scourge and I were planning, and now he knows that we are on the same side now. Wait, Bone stayed back after Scourge and I had left. Had he known about Tigerstar in the bushes? Was he the traitor who will take his side and betray BloodClan?

"Sandstorm. Bring Scourge and Bone to meet with me. I want to have a little talk with both of them." I growled. Bone was going to be questioned and exposed. It's time Scourge knows what's going on, and that'll be right now.

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