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(some of what I remember from the first chapter of into the wild)

"Rusty, why would you want to leave?" Smudge whispered. "I've known you for a long you don't even know the forest that well."

Rusty flattened his ears, leaping up onto the fence. "I can go if I want," he growled. "It's not like anyone's going to to kill me." Or anything.

Soon enough, he leaped to the other side of the fence, leaving Smudge behind. "Rusty, wait!" Smudge yelped.

Rusty ignored him, venturing out into the forest. He wanted to try prey, to see what it would taste like. He opened his jaws, scenting the air. Suddenly he tasted the tang of mouse. A mouse was creeping along the forest floor, and Rusty got into a crouch.

Leaves rustled from behind Rusty, and suddenly a grey shape pounced on top of him, knocking him to the ground. The two of them rolled on the ground, and the grey shape pinned Rusty and spat in his face. Rusty kicked him out of the way, running to the fence.

"Kittypet!" The grey cat hissed from behind him. Rusty suddenly spun around, and raced back at the cat. He pounced on the grey tom, pinning him to the ground.

"Who are you, kittypet?" The tom breathed, crawling out from under Rusty, and sat down. Rusty relaxed his gaze.

"I'm...Rusty," He meowed defensively.

"I'm Graypaw, a warrior of ThunderClan...well, not yet. I'm training to be one anyways," Graypaw licked his chest. "As soon as when I'm done with my training, I'm going to be the most feared warrior in the Clans."

Rusty had heard of stories of the Clans, but never met one of the Clan cats.

"You are a good fighter for a kittypet," Graypaw meowed.

"You keep calling me a kittypet, what does that mean?" Rusty asked.

Graypaw flicked his tail and stood up. "It's another word for cats like you who live with twolegs. Why are you out here in the forest, so far from your twoleg nest?"

Rusty didn't want to respond, he felt like this Clan apprentice didn't need to know. He quickly changed the subject. "Is there any more warriors like you here?" Rusty asked, looking around.

Graypaw suddenly flattened his ears. "Quick, run!" Rusty tried jumping in the nearest bush, but it was too late.

A blue-grey she-cat padded up to them. "What's going on here?"

"Bluestar!" Graypaw whispered to Rusty, crouching low to the ground.

A second cat- a golden tabby tom approached them, following the she-cat into the clearing. "You shouldn't be so close to Twolegplace, Graypaw!" The tom growled.

"I know, Lionheart. I'm sorry." Graypaw looked down at his paws. Rusty copied what Graypaw was doing, and crouched down as well.

Bluestar looked at Rusty. "Who's this?" she asked.

"He's no threat," Graypaw meowed quickly. "Just a Twoleg pet from beyond our territories."

Rusty's pelt burned with fury as he heard Graypaw call him 'a twoleg pet'. He now had a strange feeling inside of him. He wanted to try out the new life in the Clans, and live there.

A Messed Up Prophecy (evil Firestar AU)Where stories live. Discover now