Chapter 15: The Other Woman in the Room

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Cruise ships have rules about drunkenness. Obviously they serve alcoholic beverages and don't mind if guests get a bit tipsy. But when it comes to rambunctious drunken behavior, getting into fights, harassing people, etc. They tend to be stricter. When someone gets drunk and asks disorderly and endangers those around them---like say, punching a waiter and giving him a bloody nose---that kind of thing can get you kicked off the cruise.

And that's the punishment security had in mind for Eddie and Belle.

While securit dealt with those two, I decided to go check on Rose, who had fled the scene before anyone could stop her. I went up to our room to check on her.

As I turned the corner towards the hallway that led to our suite, I stopped dead in my tracks.

Rose was outside our suite.

Talking to Emily.

My heart catapulted in my chest, and I froze like a deer in the headlights. Both of them paused and looked at me before I could run.

"Thomas," Rose said. I tried to detect anger in her voice, but couldn't quite read it. "Are you okay, sweetheart?

"Uh, yes, I'm good," I said. "Is Lance okay?"

"The paramedics took him," Emily said. "He should be fine."

Had Emily not told Rose about our kiss? How long had they been talking before I showed up?

I guess it didn't matter. I couldn't avoid this conversation forever. I didn't want to. I needed to be honest with both of them. I wasn't sure how long security was going to be chatting with Eddie and Belle, but it could have been a while. It was now or never.

"Rose...Emily.." I said. "I...I have something to explain to you both."

"And what would that be?" Rose said, crossing her arms.

I gulped. I wasn't sure where to begin. I guess with the bare facts first. Rip off the bandage, I guess.

"Before I...interrupted you, Eddie and Belle..." I began. "I...kissed Emily."

Both of them looked at me. Rose's eyes widened, and Emily looked confused.

"I'm so sorry, Rose," I said. "It's just...I missed you...and I was so lonely, and Emily has been a good friend of mine for so long and...I just did it."

I turned to Emily.

"Emily," I said. "This is a lot to explain but...Rose, she's more than just my employer. And she left me for a few days to...revisit some old flames of hers, and I felt hurt, and I was alone, and you were so nice I kissed you. Because I just wanted someone."

Emily's face was a mix of unreadable emotions.

"I know it's a lot to take in," I said. "And I don't blame you for being mad...but I want you both ot know I'm incredibly sorry. I hurt and betrayed you both, and I regret it more than anything."

Both women looked at each other, then looked at me. Emily just turned and disappeared down the hallway. I looked to Rose.

"Mistress..." I said.

She wouldn't meet my eyes.

"I will have a chance to speak to Eddie and Belle later," she said. "For now, I need to rest and be alone for a bit.

She walked into our suite, then shut the door. I knew trying to talk to her now would be a waste of time. This whole this was so fucked up, and there was only me to blame.

But I wanted to fix this.

So I followed after Emily.


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