Chapter 9: Never Noticed Before

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My hangover had gotten better by the evening. My headache had died down a bit. I had some more ibuprofen and water, then dressed into something nicer before heading out to meet Lance and Emily.

The bar-and-grill restaurant was called Green Lagoon, and Lance and Emily were waiting outside the front entrance. We got a corner table and ordered ourselves some hamburgers.

"Alright, catch-up time" Lance said, slamming a ketchup bottle on a table, leaving Emily and I to cringe at his disgusting pun. "Tell us what its like working for the Ice Queen."

"I mean, she's not that cold" I said. "She's just strict and focused. But she's not a bad person."

"She's certainly admirable" Emily said. "The world of busy leaders and CEOs has unfortunately very few women. She's a role model."

Emily's words surprised me. She'd been the first to tell me who Rose was back in that night at Monty's, and her words had been laced with jealousy. She'd been like a middle school girl, jealous and threatened by any other attractive women. And as much fondness I had for her as a long-time friend, I kept wondering why the hell Rose threatened her so much.

But now, the jealousy was gone. No irony or sarcasm in her praises of Rose. Emily had matured. She was no longer the insecure, easily-threatened girl I had known at Monty's. She was a woman now, able to recognize and applaud the achievements and even beauty of other women. Now a woman, no longer a girl.

I felt proud of her. I watched her chew her French fries, the pink of her lipglosses lips and the lovely curls of her red hair.

My reverie was snapped to a stop when Lance suddenly stood up from the table.

"Gotta tinkle" he said. "Be back in a bit"

With that, he disappeared across the room towards the mens' restroom. Emily and I were left alone, chewing on our food.

"So Thomas" Emily said. "Now that we've graduated, what've you been up to? Besides working for Rose. Did you say a while ago you were trying to write a novel?"

"Yeah" I said. "I cannot say much about it now. I guess I'm just still looking for inspiration."

"Do you think Rose has inspired you?"

"Oh, absolutely"

What the hell was I doing? I came here to forget about Rose. I needed to think about something else. I jumped the train of focusing on Emily.

"You've changed a lot since I last saw you, Emily" I said. "Did graduation change much?"

"Naw, not really. I've gotten a new internship, still working at Monty's. I guess some changes just come overtime." She took a sip of her Diet Coke through a straw and looked at me over her cup. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't're acting different than before."

Emily grinned and stared down at her lap.

"Just different around you, maybe"

She was blushing. And why was it making me blush too?

"It's probably because I had a huge crush on you" she said. "But don't worry, I'm over it."

Her words made me pause. I guess it made sense, looking back. When your crush is around and someone you believe is more attractive than you steps into the room, you get instinctively defensive. But Emily wasn't't unattractive. The dim light of the restaurant, her green eye glowing and red curls illuminated, she was actually very pretty.

She shrugged, and blush crossing her face that made my heart flutter.

"I've been thinking of asking out Lance" she said. "I don't know. I've never thought of him that way before. But you know, starting to get tired of sleeping alone every night. And Lance isn't unattractive. He's good-looking. He's fun and funny. And its not illogical for a girl to eventually date a boy she's been friends with."

As she spoke, a strange feeling rose in my chest. What was this? Jealousy? No. Illogical, Thomas. Doesn't make sense. Emily is a friend. I've never shown interest in her. Or did I always sort of liked her, but her becoming unavailable suddenly increased her desirability? Ugh, it was such a cliche. 

But I wanted to get closer to her.

"Do you think I could meet Rose sometime?"

Emily's voice snapped me from my thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"I'd love to meet Rose sometime" she said. "If it's possible. I saw her wearing this awesome blue dress in People and I'd like to ask if it's naturally that form-fitting or if she had it altered just for her."

"Uh, maybe" I said. Then words started spilling out. Against my will. Before I could stop them. "In fact, I could show you her room. It's the fanciest place on this whole ship. I bet she wouldn't't mind if I showed you her wardrobe."

"Really?" Emily said.

Her phone buzzed and she flicked it on. 

"Apparently Lance got sick in the bathroom" she said. "Something in that burger didn't't agree with him."

"Should we help him?"

Emily double-checked her texts.

"He says he's okay" she said. She stood up and tucked her phone away. "He says he'll pay when he gets out. Why don't you show me Rose's place now?"

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