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I groaned. This had been so boring. Why did we have to introduce ourselves? It's not like anyone was gonna actually become friends. Or maybe they would, these weren't Icewings we were talking about. Thank gods we were finally actually hunting.

I got ready to follow Tsunami outside, when I heard Carnelian growling at Moon. "Watch it, Nightwing", she said rudely. Resentment boiled inside. Something came over me, and I went over there. "Why don't you watch it?", I retorted. Moon looked surprised that I had come to help her. Honestly, I was too. Why was I here? But something wouldn't let me leave.

"What'd you say to me?", she hissed back.

"You heard me", I snarled. I glared at him fiercely. Carnelian growls, and shoots a burst of flame above my head. I growl back. How dare he attack an Icewing prince. I send some frostbreath at his tail. Carnelian looked mad now. She slashed his claws at my tail. "Stop!", I hear someone cry. I swivel my head to look at who it was. Moon? She can yell?, I think surprised. "This is a school. You can't fight like this'', she said. I roll my eyes. I was helping her, even though I shouldn't be. Then, Kinkajou appeared behind her. Did she see the whole thing? 1 day here, and my reputation is already collapsing, I think bitterly. "Exactly. Good job Moon!", she said cheerfully. Carnelian growled. "Your lucky your girlfriend was here to save you", She growled at me. "She's not my girlfriend", I hissed back. I flew out, and didn't look back.

What were you doing Winter, protecting a Nightwing? I thought sourly. I shrugged it off. I had probably done it because he was bullying. In the Ice Kingdom, bullying another Icewing wasn't allowed. It was just his instinct. But even he didn't quite believe the lie that he was telling himself. "Ugh, what's wrong with me? Pull it together", I scolded myself. I flapped my wings harder, and saw Tsunami waited for everyone at a part of the mountain that was big enough for 10 dragons to stand on. I look behind me, and saw Carnelian about 7 feet behind me, and Moonwatcher and Kinkajou flying together behind Carnelian. I look ahead of me, and land on the platform. Qibli and Heron were already there, smiling cheerfully. Heron regarded me a bit coldly, but overall, she didn't seem to have much of a fight. "Hey coldclaws", he teased. I rolled my eyes. "Sand Sniffer", I retorted. He grinned. "So? Ready to confess you feelings for me?" he said. At this, Heron looked confused. "You? Like? Him? Yoooou?", she said skeptically. She studied me. I still remember what she said in her introduction, before Moon had collapsed. It had been informative.

*Flashback to Heron's Intro"

"Hello! My name is Heron, I am a Mudwing/Skywing hybrid. My mom's name is Falcon, and my dad's name is Swamp. I have a younger brother named Toad. He was too young to come here though. My older brother, Newt,...died in a fight against an Icewing. My bigwing, Bayou, got into a fight with a Nightwing. He was injured, but he still had to go to battle. A seawing killed him." At this point, Heron seemed close to tears. Tsunami smiled at her comfortingly. "I enjoy bringing people together, creating ships, and art.".

Winter had been confused about what she meant by creating ships, but he ignored that for now. Heron studied me. "I can see it", she simply said. I blinked. "See what?", I replied. "You and Qibli.", she replied. I snorted. "Seriously?", I asked. She nodded. "Why not?", she asked. "He's a sandsnorter", I replied. She laughed. I hadn't made anyone laugh before. You weren't allowed to laugh openly in the Ice kingdom. Qibli looked offended. "I am not. Besides, we both know you love me", he replied haughtily. I roll my eyes. I seeMoon and Kinkajou land beside us. Carnelian in the far corner, as far away from everyone as possible. "You should stop rolling your eyes so much. They might get stuck one day", Qibli said. "Your so annoying", I replied. He smiled innocently. "Alright, now that everyone's here, let's start hunting. Right now it's 10:23. Everyone will be back here by 11. You got about 45 minutes to finish hunting. Good luck everyone.", she said. 

I flapped my wings, hovered above the platform, scanning for prey. I wasn't used to hunting in the mountains, where there were trees, bushes and hiding spots for animals to hide in. Suddenly, a movement to my right catches my eye. Prey! I think hopefully, but it was just Moon. She seemed to have the same idea as me. I scowl. "Don't steal my prey Nightwing '', I say coldly. She winces. "There's enough prey for all of us.", she replies. I don't see any prey anywhere. Ugh, there's nothing here. How is anyone supposed to hunt here? I think sourly. 

Then, I see Moon's eyes lock on something. I glance at what she's looking at. It was just a bush. Nothing. Suddenly, she dives through the air, as graceful and powerful looking as a tiger. Her arms and claws were outstretched in a fighting position. Her expression was one of fierce determination and focus. Her stunning jade green eyes were locked on something, and her wings were halfway tucked in, her body slicing through the air like a bird. She didn't seem to be aware of everyone's eyes on her. Not just Winter. But what was she trying to get?, I think. I look at where she is aiming. There's a bush. I study it more closely. Oh! Inside the bush, the small head of a mountain goat was visible. How did she see that, I think. Impressive. I think. For a Nightwing. With her claws outstretched, she snatches up the mountain goat, who bleated helplessly. I fly down. Moon suddenly seemed to be aware of all the eyes on her. She blushed. "Wow Moon! That was so cool! How did you do that?" Kinkajou exclaimed. Heron nodded, impressed. "Not bad Moon", Tsunami said.

 Winter could almost imagine his parents' voices right now. "Outshined by a Nightwing? You were always such a disappointment", his parents would think. Moon looked at him, and reached towards him. I pulled away. Why would she do that in the first place, did I say something, or did my face say something? She recoils, seeming to collect herself. "I..um. Sometimes my mom would leave me in the rainforest for weeks at once. I had to learn to hunt", she said nervously. "Nice work. Back to hunting everyone, you have 30 minutes left.

 I scowl, and go to the lake.

 Maybe I could catch something underwater, perhaps a bass if I'm lucky. I dive in, relishing the water through my scales. I swim for a bit, catching some small fish. This is nothing. Search harder, I think, pushing myself. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my back leg. "Wha-", I falter. Biting my back leg was a saltwater crocodile. It was twice the size as me. Maybe I could kill it? Don't be foolish in Winter. There's a difference between pushing yourself to be the best, and being stupid enough to attack something obviously stronger than you. But I have to get away., I think, panicking. I was running out of air. I kick my hind legs, and my leg hits the crocodile's snout. It hisses. I turn around, and attack it. It lunges towards me, aiming at my face. Suddenly, something pulls it back, and I gasp, swallowing saltwater. I felt lightheaded. The last thing I hear before I pass out is someone yelling. Moon, my mind thinks, before I drift into unconsciousness. 

Frigid Love: Wings of Fire. WinterwatcherWhere stories live. Discover now