Chapter 6

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Sathan, Sou'suin - please Sou'suin

Ma nuvenin, emma'asha - As you wish, my woman


He strode down the hallways with a confidence. It came as a surprised that he was summoned at all. He had thought that his King would leave them alone, as he had done for the last few years.

When he finally stood in front of his King, his friend, he bowed with a fisted salute and said, "You asked for me?"

When he rose and looked his friend in the eye, it surprised him to see slight hostility and contempt within his gaze.

Solas inclined his head and said, "You have not been out of her rooms in quite some time. Is there something I should know?"

He refused to be cowed. He knew The Game and refused to play it. He said, "She has been well. We have been conversing more these last few months. She... was not well before then."

Solas sighed, and seemed to almost cave in on himself, "I see... is she willing to come out of her rooms?"

I thought about her. How her light had finally started to show, and said, "I do not know. She has only started speaking. She is... not happy to be here."

Solas nodded and said, "I know. But I could not leave her there to die." His gaze sharpened and he said, "You love her."

I refused to lie. I nodded and said, "I do."

I could see the war going on in his gaze, and he finally turned from me, "Does she feel the same?" Does she still love me? went unsaid.

I shook my head and said, "I do not know. I only know her pain. Her anger, and her worry." Her smile. Her soft lips upon mine and her warmth in my arms.

He still refused to face me when he said, "I did not think feelings of this extent would arise between you and her."

I stood there stiffly, "I did not know I could feel them myself. But I made her a promise, one I intend to keep."

Solas turned around, enraged, "And that is something I cannot do, is it?"

I stood firm and resolute, "I only know of my own will and determination. I do not presume to know others'."

Solas breathed deeply, and almost growled, "She was mine."

I looked at my King, my friend, and said simply, "She was."

He grimaced, then turned from me once more. I was silent, waiting for him to speak first. What he said, shocked me, "I do not want you guarding her."

I stood there, stunned. What was he saying? I finally said, "You want to punish both me and her. Why?"

He was stiff, his posture tall and imposing, "You are not right for her."

I was angered, "Who are you to tell her who is right and who is not? You already let her go. You already took too much and gave too little. Now that you have given her something else, you take it away, as if she is a child in need of punishment for sins you think she has committed."

He spun and yelled, "She is not yours!"

It was I who yelled this time, "And you are not hers! You are my King, my friend, but in this I will do as I need, whether you will it or no. To ensure that her smile lasts. That her tattered soul comes together in the peace she has been denied. I love her. I will be there for her."

Solas's magic flared, and he growled, "I forbit it."

I tilted my head, and said just as lowly, "You forbid? Are you my master now, Solas?"

What I had said shocked him, and he backed away as if I had hit him. He finally looked away and remained quiet for some time.

He then went to his throne and sat down, the weight of the world upon his shoulders, and murmured, "I had loved her. Still love her. But I have lost her love in return. I had told her that I walked the dinan'shiral, and that I could not take her with me. She begged me, down on her knees, and as I took the anchor from her, and her arm, I left her there. Alone." He closed his eyes in pain, "And now I pay for my sins."

I stayed standing there, unable to move with his revelations. Everything made sense. His pain. Her pain. And her anger.

Solas finally sighed and looked up at me and said, "Go to her. I will not stand in the path that you both have chosen to walk. I have already walked mine."

I nodded, gave another slight bow, and left.

When I got to her rooms, she stood once again on the balcony. She turned in surprise, and said, "I did not think you would be back."

I took her face in my hands gently and said, "I have said that I will not leave, and I will not."

She huffed and said, "He was upset. I can tell. His magic lashed out, like the breach once upon a time."

I nodded. Just as I would not lie to him, I would not lie to her, "He forbade me from seeing you." I could tell this angered her, but I continued, "I told him that I would be with you, until you wished otherwise."

I could see her tears form when she said, "You...told him no?"

I gave her a warm smile, and said, "I told him no."

She smiled wide, her tears still in her eyes making jewels in their wake, and laughed, "You told him no!" Then she took my face in her hands and kissed me.

This was not the gentle kisses she had bestowed upon him, or even the small pecks she had offered him before. This was heat. This was carnal.

I held her firmly in my arms and kissed her with just as much passion, and when she touched her tongue to my lips for entrance, I groaned in pleasure and traded my own with equal fervor.

Her touch, her kiss, ignited something in me that I did not know I possessed. She was mine. And I was hers. And we were together.

She pulled from my lips with a gasp and said, "I want you."

I knew what she meant, and I asked, "Are you confident that this is what you desire? I will give you whatever you wish. Whatever you need and give it gladly."

She gave me a sultry smile. One that locked my knees and hardened my lower regions, and said, "You are what I want. What I need. Sathan, Sou'suin."

I griped her tighter and said, "Ma nuvenin, emma'asha."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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