Is it ok to have these feelings?

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Yes, this is sort of a continuous from the last chapter. Well it's the same night from the last chapter I guess...? Okie dokie hope you enjoy reading this.
Ni-ki's POV

I just woke up. I think it's about 4 am, since it's still dark. I looked around and saw the others asleep. I grabbed my phone to see the time. 1:13 AM!!!!!!! I was seriously asleep for only 4 hours. Ok maybe I will try and go to sleep again.

After a few twists and turns, I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep, unfortunately. I am a little hungry since I hardly ate at dinner, so I decided that I would just grab a snack. I carefully got out of my bed, hoping not to and the others and tip toed my way downstairs. I had to use my flashlight to help me find my way through the dark house.

I couldn't help but hear someone. I turned and saw no one. I decided to investigate, I don't know why. I started to slowly walk into the living room. I could hear light snoring. I listened to where it was coming from. It was coming from the left, so I turned to my left. I jumped at first a little bit, but then I noticed who it was. JAY HYUNG?!?! I was confused. Why would he be in the living room sleeping??? I think I accidentally flashed the in his eyes to long, because he started waking up while covering his eyes. "Oh sorry," I quietly said, making the flashlight face down. "Why are you here?" I asked him. "I think I fell asleep while on my phone on here," he responded sleepily, while sitting up. I guess he moved around in his sleep, because his hair was all over the place. I just giggled a little.

He looked at me little confused, so I just pointed to his hair, indicating that it was messy. "Hey what time is it?" Jay hyung asked me. "It's 1:22 am now," I said while checking my phone. "HUH!!" Jay hyung yelled. I quickly covered his mouth with my hand "Shhh, you'll wake the other's," I whispered. "Sorry," he said. "Well why are you down here," he asked. I decided to just sit next to him on the couch. "Well, I don't really go to bed early, so I sort of woke really early and I can't go back to sleep now," I said facing him.

"Are you hungry? I opened a packet of biscuits," I asked him. He nodded while smiling. I ran to the kitchen to grab the biscuits. I decided to turn on one of the lights, because I wasn't going to use my flashlight anymore. I came back and turned of the flashlight. "Are you cold?" Jay hyung asked me out of the blue. "I mean I guess," I said while grabbing a biscuits. I then heard him move to grab a blanket. He put it over our legs to keep us warm.

I started to get hot. Not because of the blanket but because of what he did. I felt my cheeks starting to get red. "So why did you want to become a K-POP idol?" Jay hyung asked me while looking straight at me. He moved his leg, making it touch mine. Now I'm as red as a tomato. Why am I getting nervous over leg touching??? "W-well I wanted t-to be-ecome an Ido-l when I-I was ver-ry young and I've lik-ed K-POP f-for I long t-time," I stuttered. Jay hyung looked at me asking if I was ok. I nodded back.

Time skip to 10 minutes I guess

We've just been talking, getting to know each other. I have been stuttering a lot but I think Jay hyung is fine with it. "Hey wanna watch this hilarious video?" Jay hyung asked, grabbing his phone from his pocket. I hummed as a response. He grabbed his headphones and plugged it in the his phone.

We started to watch the video and it was so hilarious. It was a video of his friends playing a joke on him. Once the video was over, Jay hyung and I couldn't stop laughing. I walked out of the room because I wanted to play a joke on Jay as well. Sunoo hyung has told me where he puts his little mouse ears in the kitchen. I grabbed them as soon as I heard Jay hyung come into the kitchen. Making me turn around.

"What are you doing?" Jay hyung asked me. "Oh nothing," I said, trying to hide the mouse ears behind my back. "What's behind your back?" He asked me while walking towards me. "Nothing," I said turning to the corner of the kitchen counter. Oh great now I'm cornered. Jay hyung put his arms on the counters beside me and gave me a look questioning.

That was when I stopped moving or thinking. Why was it getting hotter and harder to breathe. Is it because of Jay or is it just really hot tonight? I was starting to get butterflies. I decided to just put the mouse ears on his head. I went under his arm and ran for my life. Although, Jay hyung did catch me very quickly. He looped his arms around me and lifted me up on the air. "Hey, put me down hyung," I whined while laughing. He put me on the couch me on the couch and asked "Why did you do that?" While smiling. Again, I couldn't help but smile.

"Because, it was funny," I giggled. I kept on laughing while looking at him smile. I then noticed that he still had the mouse ears on. I started laughing "You still have it on," "Hey don't be mean," Jay hyung said while chuckling. I stopped laughing and looked at him with a smile. His eyes look so sincere I don't know how to explain it, but he's just so handsome.

WAIT WHAT!!! Why do I keep on thinking these things. We both stopped smiling and just looked at each other. "Hey you guys," We both heard someone say. We turned around to see Heeseung hyung and Hanbin hyung walking down the stairs. "Wha- how- what time is it?" Jay hyung asked them. "It's 5:30," Heeseung hyung said. Jay hyung and I looked each other "We've been out here for 4 hours!!!" I said while standing up.

"Oh... my... god," Jay hyung said. I then ran up to my bedroom and fell on my bed. I kept on thinking about what we were doing earlier. Do I actually like him. What if I'm just thinking things and I just think he's a nice person. But whenever I'm around him I always get fuzzy feelings. Ugh, this is so annoying. I think I might just get ready for the day. I have a feeling it will be a very tiring day today.

So what does you guys think about this chapter?
I hope you enjoyed it.
I think it's sort of a slow burn but at the same time not :)
Words: 1200

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