i love you

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This chapter is based on the
9th of December.
You know who's birthday.
I hope you enjoy reading this chapter :)
Jay's POV

I woke up to see Ni-Ki clinging to my right arm. I slowly tried my best to get him off my arm since we have made a surprise for his birthday. I did end up making him let go of me without waking him up. Although he started to touch my side of the bed to see where I was and by this time I was sitting at the bottom of the bed. I grabbed a pillow, putting it where I was sleeping before.

Ni-Ki then crushed the pillow in a really tight hug. Does always hug me that tight? Jeez.
I noticed that the others were waking up so I quickly climbed over Ni-Ki. We bought some new cupcakes since we finished the ones we got for Sunghoon's birthday yesterday.

I set the cupcakes out on a tray neatly. Sunoo, Jake and Sunghoon started putting up fliers and balloons that said 'Happy Birthday Ni-Ki'. While Heeseung hyung and Jungwon both started to get the presents we got Ni-Ki, putting them on the kitchen counter.

"Yay! We're done! Now we just have to wait for Ni-Ki to wake up," Sunoo whispered, to not wake up Ni-Ki. "Hyung, you gotta wake him up," Sunghoon said, while pointing at me. "Why me?," I said, looking at then sort of confused. "Well because you two are dating an-," I cut Sunghoon off by saying in English "Ok,".

I walked in the room to see Ni-Ki already awake, on his phone. I closed the door, walking to our bed. (It was actually Jay's bed, but in this book Ni-Ki basically sleeps only on Jay's bed). I walked up to him, kneeling down in front of him. "Do you wanna come outside now?" I whispered to him. "Hi!!" He said, grabbing my neck to kiss me on the cheek.

I smiled. "Come on let's go," I grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the bed. "I know what you guys are doing. You guys are not exactly quiet," Ni-Ki said as I pulled him out of the bed. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," "Yeah sure,".

We both walked out of the room. I went to others and we screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY
NI-KI!!!" "THANK YOU!! I was definitely shocked, definitely," Ni-Ki said, while looking at everyone. "Jongseong!! What did you tell him?" Heeseung hyung asked me, well he actually shouted at me.

"Nothing! I didn't tell him anything!," I said, bringing my hands up. "He didn't tell me anything. You guys are just so loud," Ni-Ki said, while laughing. "Ohh," Heeseung hyung said, stepping further away from me. Ni-Ki came up to us one by one giving us each a big hug. He came up to me last. He gave me the tightest hug ever. I honestly think he was actually squashing my organs.

He retracted from the hug, giving me a small kiss on the lips. Once he stepped back, I looked at the others to see only Jake actually looking at me, everyone was else have their eyes closed. "I thought I told you guys not to do that in front of us," Jungwon whined. "They're not kissing anymore, you guys can open your eyes now," Jake said in an unamused voice.

The others opened their eyes, with a sigh of relief. "Thanks for taking one for the team, hyung," Sunghoon said to Jake. Jake had a confused yet annoyed face. I just laughed at what happened.
"Ni-Ki, go and open your presents," I said, directing him to where the presents were.
Ni-Ki's POV

I made my way to the counter, sitting down on a chair. I first grabbed Jungwon hyung's present since it was the closest. I also noticed the card so I read that aloud. I opened the present to see a cute sleeping mask, a hoodie and a photo card of myself. "Thank you hyung," I said, putting the presents on the chair next to me. (I am seriously going to make the presents up as I go along. Wish me luck)

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