A week later...
In a dimly lit area in the living room, Luna peacefully snoozed on a soft, plump pillow, completely devoid of noise and aggravation. However, comes a loud ring from Kore's bedroom alarm, and immediately the fluttermoth slumber is interrupted. Squeaking in aggravation, she stretched out her bug legs and wings to shake off the leftover drowsiness.
That is when she noticed her friend and owner are not in bed. It was still made and clean just as it was three days ago.
Luna squinted her eyes and let out an angry huff, hopping onto the dark oak floors as she stomped to her owner's work office...
Kore's head was slumped against a canvas of blue paint, snoring away as the palette from their hand slips off, paint blotting the carpet as it clattered against the floor. The flutter moth huffed as she flickered her wings and took flight, pulling on the folk troll's hair. And when that failed, poking Kore's face with her nubby legs.
"Ugggh, five more minutes Lucio..." Kore drowsily groaned, swatting Luna away as their eyes remained shut.
Luna lets out a sigh as her loaf body slumps.
Alright, you asked for it.
The Fluttermoth got close to the folk trolls' ears, took a deep breath in...
And lets out a loud, shrieky scream that no bug should ever make. But somehow, she did. But luckily, it got Kore to wake up and fall over, their easel and canvas crashing on top of them. Luna flinched at the scene, her saddened look masking her statement that 'okay, maybe that wasn't a good idea...'
Kore let out a grumble as they pushed their art stuff off them, pressing a palm to their head.
"Luna, *groans* what did I say about screaming in my ears, they're sensitive..."
Luna let out a remorseful whimper, fluttering down to her owner and nuzzled their cheeks as an apology.
"You know these nuzzles won't work on me forever..." Kore sighed.
Luna squeaked, and her boggish eyes sparkled.
"Noooooo not the puppy eyes- fine. I forgive you." Kore giggled as the fluttermoth crawled onto their lap and purred as the folk troll began to pet them. Kore looked over to the fallen canvas set, letting out a deep, solemn sigh. "Needed to redo the whole thing anyway..."
Kore hummed out in thought. "What time is it?"
Luna squeaked and zoomed out of the room for a moment, a second later zooming back in with the alarm clock in numb arms, promptly dropping it in Kore's lifted right hand.
"F9:15????" Kore yelled as their eyes widened, quickly getting themselves up and out of the room. "I was supposed to be at work an hour ago!"
A blackberry-haired classical troll drummed her quill against the clipboard she held in her tiny, baby hands. She was making sure everything was well-prepared and organized, to her criteria, of course. After all, she wasn't handsomely rewarded many times for naught, and if anything were to fall out of place; endless discourse will ensue.
And sure enough.... something was missing- no.
Some troll was missing...
"Ms. Pearcup???" She called out, and suddenly Flora popped out behind the counter, and unknown to the elder classical troll, a hint of nervousness hiding behind her sweet smile.
High Tides, Thin Air
FanfictionSometimes a empty canvas can take days to paint on. Sometimes the painting itself can be seen as horrendous and awful to the eyes of it's artists. But what if, the artist has a second pair of eyes to help find's it meaning??? That's where Kore's sto...