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"NO! You can't do that, you'll die!"

"It's the only way, Sakura, I'm sorry."

"Don't start that sorry crap with me. Naruto is dead. They're all dead. There's no point anymore. You don't have to do this! Don't leave me again Sasuke, please!"  Her voice was coarse through all the screaming and crying. She could barely breathe with all the smoke in her lungs, dust and debris stuck to her face because of salty tears that were yet to stop falling from her eyes. She had no idea how he could look at her with such a caring smile.

"Either way, I deserve it, don't I? For what I've done to you, and the village."

"That was when we were genin, Sasuke."

"That's besides the point. Naruto did his part. It's time for me to do mine." He shot her the brightest smile that he could muster— which was, in fact, the happiest smile she'd seen on him, ever. Just when she tried to open her mouth to stutter out just another word, even though she inwardly knew it would fall on deaf ears, he stumbled over to her ignoring the scorching hot rocks below them, and burning whatever was left on the soles of his feet. He rose two fingers to Sakura's rosy face.

"I just.. I just wish we were under different circumstances." She flinched at the sudden tap on her forehead but before she could process anything, the kunoichi witnessed him swiftly leap through the air, jumping on Kaguya and sealing them both, as well as zestu. Leaving her behind, again. An unsettling silence engulfed her, and surprisingly, it wasn't because she was trapped in a scorching hot lava dimension with no apparent way of getting out, but because she was.. alone. Absolutely alone. Not a single person was alive. She dropped to her knees in shock as she was trying to process all the events of today, this war, and her entire life, but that was Sakura came to the realization that, some of these memories... weren't her memories at all. She scoffs, not bothering to try and figure out why he'd even do such a thing. Was he trying to make her feel better by passing on his trauma? Did he want her to experience the same loneliness he felt, as if she hadn't experienced that and beyond? What ever he was trying to do, it wasn't going to matter in the next few minutes. Nothing was going to matter. Not their attempts to kill Madara, not the alliance, not even the villagers— all of their efforts, blood, sweat, and tears were all going to be in vain. And what was she supposed to do? Sulk in sympathy over her teammates childhood trauma?

Sakura finally came back to her senses and took up the sword that Sasuke had left behind. Tipping the the sharp end to her chest, she took one last deep breath.

'I'll join you guys soon, don't worry.' And then.. well she died.




Or at least that's what she thought— which was true, but apparently waking up in front of a damn god was also apart of the ordeal. She adjusted her eyes to the dim space they were in, still wincing at the pain  that she had inflicted on herself. Finally being able to see, Sakura fully opened her eyelids to process the floating being in front of her. Pale, grayish skin, eyes that imitated that of an onion—eyes she's only ever seen on the man who killed every person she knew and loved. She thought he was just a myth, but here he is, standing— no, floating not too far in front of her, the one and only Sage of Six Paths.

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