Chapter 5~ Abnormalities

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Sakura is 4.


"I'm telling you, that child is not normal."

"My mommy says she's a witch!"

"My daddy says to stay away from her. . ."

" I heard she talks to no one but herself."

"When you go out to the park, remember the kids I told you to avoid, okay?"

"Yes mommy!"

"Damn, pink hair too?"

"Poor kid. . . just wait until the authorities find out that she's crazy."


Sakura woke up early in the morning, today was a special day; she was going to get more books from the library! She made sure to do everything the night before so nothing could get in her way. Happily she hopped out of bed, and into her (new!) dress. The dress was deep red that fell just above her knees with white lace outline and a single white circle embroidered on the back that she wore regular white sandals with. In a hurry, she sped out the door, but only to be stopped by a certain someone.

"Forgetting something?" He asked nonchalantly. He was quite used to this by now since she does this Every. Single. Morning. Sakura realized once again that she had forgotten something very, very important. With wide eyes, she ran right back to her room, and ran out just as fast, except this time she had her little red wagon that she used to carry books! Oh how could she have carried them without it? Thanks to her best friend, Tobi, her day wasn't ruined.

"Thanks Tobi, c'mon, we're gonna be late!" She said as she tapped her feet by a idling Tobirama impatiently.

It would silent in the house if not for the little girl's foot-tapping. Tobirama let out a deep sigh.




"The library doesn't open until seven." He told her wearily.

"I know! So if we don't hurry then we'll be l-"


"Yes. . ."

"It's 5:15."

"B-But Tobi. . . You know how papa gets when he wakes up. . and I don't really like sleeping anyways, so I'm okay, really! A-and the villagers are still sleeping so they can't look at me weird when I'm talking to you! So. . ." She ranted, trying to look for excuses to get out of the house, as she looked at her feet nervously.

"Sakura, it's okay, let's go." Tobirama sighed inwardly. He knew why Sakura wanted to leave the house so bad, and he loathed the fact that he couldn't do anything about it.

     So they walked side by side on the streets of Konoha, and Sakura went on and on about her weird yet oddly detailed dreams, but Tobirama was a bit more focused on the villagers whispering about the poor pinkette, and it was just infuriating. Sakura is many things, but she surely isn't crazy. Word spread pretty quick about  Sakura's situation, much thanks to father, and now because of this, she was avoided, frowned upon. Something that Tobirama never wanted to happen.

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