chapter 32 softly

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"so basically you two are siblings but your father want you to mary each other?" Stark asked shoving a steak on his mouth

"So you two are married?" Steve asked

"No, i ran away at our wedding day" i said looking down and Heracles hold my hand under the table

"Uh uhm" nat said clearing her throat and i just looked at her giving me a death stare

"Why are you also on earth?" Bruce asked

"I have been looking for her for years from different realms and worlds, i just thought of settling down here on earth and go to their schools just for fun and we saw each other earlier" he answered

" Guess if you can't find it just let it find you" he added smiling at them

He suddenly shape shift into a ordinary boy removing his perfect god features making them all confused. Loki and thor suddenly came in the room and looked at him on confusion

" Who is this boy?" Thor said smirking pointing his hammer on Heracles

" I won't do that if i were you" bucky says breaking his silence

"I'm hebe's school mate" Heracles simply said making me smile

He is one of the humble gods you can find, he doesn't want to be treated as one. He wants to live normally even before but one thing you should not do is pissed him off coz he is really brutal and violent when angry

"This is gonna be exciting" tony mumbled and steve looked at him in mis belief

"Then why are you here? Are we just letting anyone here now?" Thor asked

"Brother perhaps you should calm down" loki said realizing who is this boy, i think as a shape shifter he can also sense other shape shifter

"Is he drunk?" I asked looking at thor not having a sign of balance. Loki nodded and sigh holding his arms

"What happened?" Steve asked

"Him and that mortal got into a fight" he answered

"You! You're not that good looking not like me *giggle* perhaps you should leave my sister alone" he said and oh boy I'm just waiting for them to fight.

" Perhaps you low ranked asgardian should have respect for the olympian god of Strength" he said standing up switching back to his old self and i just tried to hide my smile.

"Ok enough" i said chuckling and he goes back to his sit. Loki then guide Thor to his room

"He should thank you.. if it wasn't for you he's probably dead" he said and i raised a brow

"I'm kidding" he said leaning over and smile while i just cracked a laugh

I then felt someone kicking me softly and Tracing their foot on my legs.

I looked at nat and she gave me another death stare giving me a red flag.

"Uh would you love to go out with me tonight? Let's just explore this Concrete jungle" he asked smiling

" Yeah sure, why not? " I answered also smiling

Nat and wanda then suddenly stand up and walked over their rooms confusing Heracles

i just stare at nat's ass while she's walking.

"What's with them?" He asked chewing

"Let's say your ex is really attractive here on earth" bucky said looking to his food while chuckling.

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