The Truth?

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You both kept watching at the sight not too far away from the both of you.

Inoue was screaming as a gun was pointed towards her head and a guy who seemed to be in his 30's with a black mask on was pointing the gun at her.


You and Chifuyu were both watching behind a bush trying not make much noise to startle the both of them.

Inoue continues screaming for help.

Thats when you saw Chifuyu gripping onto his own hand.

"Chifuyu?" You ask silently.

You see him try to get up.

You quickly reacted and try to make him hide so we wouldn't get caught.

But it was no use.

The bush made a lot of noises as Chifuyu was getting up.

The black masked man quickly looked at our direction.

"I knew someone was watching." He says laughing under the mask.

"Who are you?" Chifuyu says.

"Why should I tell you?" He replies.

"CHIFUYU?!" Inoue yells.

"Hey Inoue, You're safe now. A everything is gonna be okay." Chifuyu says while wallig towards them.

You kept watching from behind the bush.

What he said to her made you kind of jealous.

"What was this feeling?"

It's not a feeling of jealousy or anything right?

They're just friends! Don't worry...!

Inoue smiles at him while he smiled back.

His face then quickly turned into a serious one as he continues approaching them.

"Get any closer and you're dead." The black masked guy said.

"Shoot me, You wont." Chifuyu says grinning.

"You said!" The black masked man shouts.

He then pointed his gun at Chifuyu.

"CHIFUYU!" you yelled from behind the bush.

Suddenly 2 bullets went through the black masked man.

You flinched a little and turned around.

You smiled brightly.

To your surprise it was those two officers who have been helping you both with this case.

"Guess we made it on time." One of them says.

Chifuyu turns around.

"I thought we were doing this on our own." Chifuyu says turning around glaring at the two officers.

"Yeah yeah but I was worried about you guys..." The officer says.

You sighed.

You then watched as Chifuyu approaches Inoue.

"Are you okay?" He asks while reaching out a hand for her to get up.

She then accepts and gets up.

You got up from the bush and went towards the both of them.

"Before we let you leave, Can you tell us everything that happened?" You ask Inoue.

"Yeah sure. But Y/n, Can I talk to you for a little?" Inoue says.

"Yeah sure." You agree.

"This is private so can the rest of you just stay here. We'll come back." Inoue says.

They agreed and you both left.

She took you to a shed not too far from where everyone else was.

"Sit down." She says pointing at a chair.

You sat down.

"Is there something wrong?" You ask Inoue.

"It's you." She says.

"Huh?" You ask confused.


"Woah woah woah... calm down.." You say trying to calm her down.

"This isn't my fault." You say to her.

"Yes it is." She cuts you off.

"No?" You ask still confused.


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